For anyone who grew up a little outside the mainstream, anyone who spent their youth causing havok, racking stuff, having fun, this guy’s for you. In case you haven’t heard of him (because obviously you live under a rock or in a cabin in the woods with only your handmade puppets for company) Seth Sentry […]
When Seth Sentry’s first album, This Was Tomorrow, debuted at #6 on the ARIA charts, Seth wasa bright young hopeful… a talented up-and-comer. Now, only a few years down the track, Seth is regarded as one of Australia’s premier rappers, with an iconic voice as warm and familiar as a hugfrom an old mate. But, […]
It’s been said “You can expect great things from people with passion” and these guys hit the proverbial nail on the head. I’m talking of course about Brisbane based suburban punk rock band Violent Soho. With an on point grungy sound, killer guitars and an infectious punk rock attitude these four boys from Mansfield Brisvegas […]
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