We Chat with Tigerlily

From her humble beginnings as a Sydney visionary, Tigerlily took a chance on her dream. In just a few short years, she has risen to become one of Australias most sought after DJs (Voted 5th with In the Mix Australia in 2014 to be exact).

Her DJ career began in 2011, coming runner-up in the prestigious DJ competition “Your Shot”. Just as the name suggests, this, in fact, was her shot, and she ran with it! And is still running Tigerlilly’s empire is continuing to expand, with her electrifying stage presence captivating audiences all over the world.

DJ Tigerlily also holds an exclusive residency at the incredible Pacha nightclub in Sydney and is currently working on an exclusive Tigerlilly themed show set to begin before the new year. We hear it will be nothing short of a mind-blowing party.

Not to mention, she has created a social media legacy with over 400 thousand followers on her #TeamUnicorn (an endearing term for herself and her fans).

She has recently completed a tour of Asia and has just released her latest single “Feel the Love” and is making waves, fresh off the stage as a headliner at this year’s Stereosonic festival.

We sat down with Tigerlily just before taking to the stage at the festival, about all things Stereosonic and life as DJ Tigerlily, surviving music festivals and what’s next for the gallant leader of #TeamUnicorn.

Of course, performing at a huge festival such as Stereosonic can be strenuous and exhausting. Tigerlilly credits her support crew for helping her through, stating that this year she will be bringing her parents along to party with her. “My mum and dad love to have a bit of a boogie!” She is also hoping to bring some friends along for the ride and, of course, her stage manager and photographer.

Tigerlily says that Stereosonic is her favorite time of year because “It’s summer and everyone is ready to party and celebrate.” She loves being able to hang out with her fellow DJs and meet and mingle with international acts.

Her popular sound has been catching fire in the House music crowd. Tigerlilly has an art for drawing her inspiration from as many musicians, people and experiences as possible. Right now, she is really into The Weekend and Disclosure and has been listening to many vocal-centric records, which she thinks reflects in her latest single “Feel the Love.”

“Feel the Love”, featuring vocals of the incredible Nat Dunn, is “all about the power of music and how it can create an unbelievably strong connection between people”. Tigerlilly and Dunn wanted to capture the magnetizing electricity that draws people together. Her music creates that energy, especially when performed live with her transfixing stage presence.

She offered up some words of wisdom for young aspiring DJs, 2 to be exact: “BE PERSISTENT”. She shared her experience of the cutthroat nature of the music industry and recognizing hard work, passion and a positive attitude as the key attributes for becoming successful.

She also highlighted the importance to remember to “SMILE” stating “so many people take themselves way too seriously, have fun with your music,” and she is right! Life is to be enjoyed after all!

We are certain she has a new wave of followers on #Teamunicorn after her stellar headlining performances at this year’s Stereosonic festivals. Tigerlilly herself tells us that performing for crowds all over the world is her favourite thing about her job and that she feels “so lucky” to have such a supportive following of fans and friends “#teamunicorn for life”.

Before we leave you, Tigerlilly has given us some insider tips and tricks for withstanding the summer festival scene:
1. Water – keep hydrated.
2. Sunscreen – protect yourself from the Aussie sun.
3. Always bring earplugs “no matter what, as much as standing in front of the speaker and hearing your heart fall out of your chest may feel amazing, it won’t be great for your ears in years to come!”

With the recent tragedies at music festivals in the media
We have one important message for you this festival season Stay Safe Support your friends and don’t be afraid to seek help from first aid.

We are super excited to see what is next for this amazing artist you can keep up to date with her exploits by following #TeamUnicorn on social media