GCMAG was lucky enough to get to interview Daniela Cecilio CEO and founder of ASAP54. A revolutionary app set to change the way you search and shop for fashion.
What is ASAP54?
ASAP54 is a search engine for fashion, where users can search for fashion in any way they want to. They can snap a picture of something they like and find similar items without describing in words, or just simply enter a combination of keywords to describe what you want to find.
How did you come up with this concept?
I came up with the concept behind ASAP54 as a frustrated shopper. I found that search engines never quite captured what I was looking for, so I felt the time was right to do something about it. I wanted to create a Google Search for fashion to offer a more enjoyable way to search for items you lust, love or need – from the real world to your wardrobe.
Why the name ASAP54?
ASAP stands for As Soon As Possible – because the app is very quick, just three seconds and you get your results. I believe that if you see something you love, you shouldn’t have to wait. As for the 54, that came from the infamous Studio54 nightclub in New York City, which was the epitome of art and fashion.
What new features shall people see with the 2.0 version?
The 2.0 version will have keyword search, a ‘what’s trending’ feature and the ability to share your ASAPs with your wider community on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. We’re very excited about this as you can imagine!
Do you have any future plans for ASAP54?
We are launching an Android version of the app at the beginning of next year and we are also looking to further explore other markets, as we want to bring ASAP54 to the world.
What did you learn and what experiences from Farfetch.com that you have applied to your new venture?
The pace of innovation in technology is extremely fast, and to succeed, you need to reflect this in any new venture in the tech space. I learnt a lot of great skills from the people I worked with at Farfetch. Most importantly, to listen to people before making decisions – that was definitely the most valuable lesson I learned.