Augie March Film Clip - Never Been Sad

“Grumpy old man song probably had it’s first flash in the sun-drenched courtyard of Preachers bar in Battery Point, surrounded by perky Young Liberals who were just beginning to scent the winds of change to come, fresh loads of premium Sandy Bay manure in preparation for dumping over the existing desiccated turd puzzle.  The insidious are always so very nice at the first meeting.  In that ozonic (not yet animalic) field, dazed by early afternoon red beer and the sensory marina of interchangeable Calvin Klein aquatics, this pretty misery guts of a tune had its divine spark flinted.” Never Been Sad video credits: Directed by Ben Saunders Produced by John Sandow Production managed by Jaime Gillespie Director of Photography Tom Campbell Tracking vehicle Greg Peele Camera Assistant Simon Walsh Edited by Andrew Chaplin Graded by Kali Bateman Online by Vivienne Baker Cast – the kids of Jan Juc And thanks to the parents of the kids of Jan Juc Havens Dumb available on Dark Satanic Records through Caroline   Billions Australia Present Augie March  2015 National Tour Dates Friday 27 March                        HER MAJESTYS THEATRE                     Adelaide           SA Saturday 28 March                    ASTOR THEATRE                                    Perth?               WA Thursday 16 April                    ULUMBARRA THEATRE                          Bendigo           VIC ON SALE Friday 05 December Friday 17 April                         MELBOURNE RECITAL CENTRE             Melbourne        VIC With special guest Fraser A Gorman Thursday 30 April                    THE TRIFFID                                                Brisbane?         QLD Friday 1 May                             TANKS ART CENTRE                                Cairns?             QLD ph1300855835 Saturday 2 May                         URBAN COUNTRY MUSIC FESTIVAL   Caboolture?      QLD  ON SALE Monday 1 December]]>

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