Australia turns to a more #sustainablesummer

What makes Australia so renowned; it’s array of unique biodiversity, the scorching summers or the relaxed, distinctive qualities of the Aussie population? All of these traits enable Australia to be one of a kind amongst the world, but what happens when one of these attributes begins to vanish?
Alexandra Dash, the creative director for Shapes in the Sand Swimwear, has definitely thought well into the future for what Australia is unfortunately about to face and is currently facing. The impacts from global warming, unnecessary pollution and the unreasonable political decisions have all contributed to affecting the future of Australia’s renowned biodiversity.
Establishing the brand in Sydney’s northern beaches, Dash wishes to spread her love for nature and the beauty that each Australian summer brings. Her addiction to swimwear began at a young age, in which the passion then developed into studying design. Alexandra Dash believes in a better, more stable future for not only the Australian environment, but for the whole world as she continually spreads the message…
“It’s time to send love back to our Earth”.
Shapes in the Sand Swimwear are an eco-friendly and sustainable brand, which produces products made from only the highest quality materials and organic fibres. As well as using ethical manufacturing processes, this brand gives hope for Australia and the rest of the world to embrace a healthy and well-nourished earth.
Alexandra Dash has started incorporating the hash tag #sustainablesummer throughout her social media to help spread the brand’s vision. Dash strongly promotes the vital messages on the Shapes in the Sand Facebook and Instagram, ‘Shapesinthesandswim’. By purchasing the gorgeous eco-friendly and Italian fabric made swimwear, support is instantly shown to help enable an improved environment.
The latest campaign, ‘Into the Wild’, is Shapes in the Sand spring/summer 2014/15 collection. It does not fall short of impressing the clientele with the variety of prints and nature inspired colour palettes, which the brand is well known for. In the future, Dash wishes to launch a children’s swimwear line, aiming to accomplish one of her goals in educating the customers and younger demographic.
Purchasing from Shapes in the Sand is an easy way to make a difference for the future of our biodiversity that surrounds us; plus you will receive an in-fashion and bold new summer swimsuit as a bonus!