Breaking Bad: Script with spoilers reported stolen !!

As the american hit TV series gears up for its final season , a script has ended up in the hands of a thief after star Bryan Cranston’s car was broken into and a number of items stolen including the script from the final season…
Xacier Mcafee has been accused of unlawfully entering the vehicle in New Mexico however has not informed authorities the location of the script
Cranston’s car was broken in late December while  parked at a local look out, authorities said.
The award-winning AMC TV series secrecy around the final season has been a major focus which seems to be up in the air now with the rogue script out and about
Hopefully we dont hear any spoilers before the season hits the air in July
But im left to wonder what would Walter White do…..

Picture of Owen George
Owen George

Editor & Chief of Gold Coast Magazine is a lover of great coffee and sharing the stories of the people, places, and events that make the Gold Coast such a great city