A Chat with QT Face of Georgia Ansell

Today i sat down with the face of QT Fashion Week, Georgia Ansell to find out a little bit more about the stunning blonde runway model.
Tell me a little bit about yourself and what you are interested in?
At the moment I am studying doing a Diploma of Events at Tafe on the Gold Coast. I have been on the Gold Coast for about a year and a half now and previously lived in Coffs Harbour. At the moment I am just really enjoying modelling and along with studying it is keeping me pretty busy.
What made you want to pursue modelling and how long have you been modelling for?
Well when I moved up to the Gold Coast from Coffs harbour my mum mentioned it to me. We both thought it would be idea to send some photos around to a couple of agencies to see if they would take me to do modelling. So when mum finally sent some photos around, Katz were the first to eagerly respond and arranged an interview with me and I have modelled for them ever since. I have been a model for about a year and a half now, since I moved to the Gold Coast.
How do you find working with Katz?
Katz is a really great agency. Kathy is so lovely and all the girls that I have met from Katz as well have also been really lovely. When I started doing jobs for Katz I was able to form really great relationships with the other girls through various jobs.
So was Kathy from Katz the one to get you involved with the Face of QT Fashion Week competition?
Yes, Kathy was the one who mentioned it to me to enter into the competition
How did you find QT Fashion Week and Awards?
Fashion week all up was a good experience. It was great to be able to meet and work with some amazing designers. Once it was finished I was exhausted as the week was so full on, but I am really glad I got to be a part of it and was able to do it with some really great people.
What did you think of the clothes and which collection was your favourite?
Loved the clothes! Some of my favourite designers were Talulah, Josh Goot, White Sands, Nicola Finetti and I really loved Ringuet’s collection.
What sort of feedback do you receive as a model?
The feedback I get is mostly from my agency, but it is always good to hear positive feedback.
Tell me about your future goals and where you see yourself going?
At the moment I am still trying to figure out what my log term goals are but next year I would really love to do as much modelling as I can and focus more on working internationally.
Is there anyone in particular who has helped you get this far in modelling?
Probably my mum because she is the one who got me into it in the first place.
Can you describe your own personal style?
I don’t really have a particular look or style, I just like to wear a variety of styles.
What are some of your tips for aspiring models?
To aspiring models, I say just get out there and stay focused on your goals in whatever you seek to do in the industry.