Convenient Ways to Make Your Home Look and Feel Bigger

If you feel as though your home always feels cramped and you just don’t know what to do about it then one thing you can do is try and make some simple changes. You don’t need to renovate your home with an invasive procedure if you want it to look and feel more spacious. If you follow the below tips then you’ll surely see a difference in no time at all.

Declutter your Home

Removing all of the clutter from your home is one of the best ways for you to make the most out of the space that you have. It costs nothing for you to donate or for you to throw away the things you don’t need. You can make extra money if you decide to sell. If you don’t have time to sort through everything in a single swoop then you may want to consider renting a self-storage unit. When you do, you will notice that you’re able to make money without having to store things in your home.


If you have some furniture that is obstructing the natural light in your home then one thing you can do is try and rearrange the layout. Light can make a huge difference to how a room feels, and it can also make it look way bigger than it is. If you want to help yourself here then it is a good idea for you to invest in things like extendable dining tables. Stackable storage boxes are also a good investment, so try and keep that in mind.


Painting your home is one of the best ways for you to make your space feel more open. When you do paint your home, you will soon find that you can open up each room while ensuring that you add value. If you are planning big projects to add space to your home, such as by investing in home extensions then you may want to paint until after work like this is done. When you do, you will soon find that your home is not only bigger but also brighter, which will make a huge difference to it overall.

Choose Simpler Decor

Another thing you need to do is try and choose simpler decor if you can. The most important rule here is for you to keep it as simple as possible. The more furniture you have and the more ornaments you have, the more cluttered your home will look, so try and keep that in mind. Take the time to clear out as much as you can and then put the rest into storage. Any busy wallpaper you have should be replaced with simpler designs, and you should also take the time to replace bold designs with simpler ones. If you can do this then you will notice that everything looks far bigger than it is and this can make a huge difference to your home and how it feels. Keep that in mind and you’ll be able to improve in no time.