Wow, what a phone call! I’ve just been speaking to Australia’s number one rapper, 360, known to his friends and family simply as Matt. We discussed everything from his life inspirations and recent emotional engagement to some of the passions behind his music and where he sees himself in the future. Here’s what he had to say
Congratulations on your recent engagement to your fiancée, Crystal! That must have been exciting. Tell me how it all unfolded.
Well, it was the night before Valentine’s. I was in Sydney at the time, and I received a text message from Crystal asking if I wanted to exchange Valentine’s prezzies. So, I went and sorted out a ring and stuff. By the time I got back to the hotel where we were staying, she was asleep, and I had to wake her up. I was nervous as hell.
So cute!
By the time I woke her up, I was so emotional she thought I was trying to break up with her, and when I asked if she wanted to get married, she thought I was joking, so I asked her again. We were both crying; it was very emotional—it was crazy!
What would you say to all the young men out there who feel marriage is the end of life as they know it, or that staying single is the way to go?
If you love the woman you’re with, you shouldn’t worry about it. It should be what you want to do. You should not think it will make you less of a man—no way!
Not only is 360 a romantic, but he’s also spreading the word and awareness about depression. He talks about speaking up when you feel alone and reassures his fans that they’re not alone and should never be embarrassed to talk about how they feel. If you haven’t seen his YouTube clip, “A Message to Everyone,” check it out!
Message to everyone: If suicide ever crosses your mind, contact a loved one and tell them. Do not be afraid. If you feel you have no one you can talk to, go to a doctor or an organisation like Beyond Blue—suicide is not the answer.
I love your YouTube clip “A Message to Everyone” and your song “So Fake.”
Thanks so much!
Are you planning to make music using this message and continue the awareness? What should we keep an eye out for to help support your message?
At the moment, we are selling a heap of clothes that I’ve worn in past rapping battles and some limited edition items. I will be donating these to charities. I think we as musicians have a voice that can share messages with people, telling them not to be afraid but to talk about their problems and be open about them, and that’s a really important message to get across.
I think this is a wonderful thing that you are doing here, and I love the fact that you offer under-18 shows.
The under-18 shows are always insane—they’re nuts, haha. It’s important to keep the young people happy.
You must have been excited when you were invited to perform on stage along with The Living End?
Oh, it was fun, mad, totally random. It was mind-blowing sharing a stage with those guys! I’ve loved them so much from the age of ten. I was over the moon about it!
Well, you must be exhausted, coming to the end of your tour tomorrow, and then you have another tour coming up in June/July.
Yeah, I was so shocked and excited. The tickets went on sale yesterday, and already they’re nearly sold out! It’s mind-blowing.
What American rappers and singers inspire you the most, and what is it about them?
Jay-Z is a big inspiration; he’s managed to stay current for so long—it’s sick. I’d say Kanye—he’s always doing what he wants; he has no rules. I love his attitude towards music.
How do you feel about illegal downloading?
You know, I used to download heaps of stuff when I was younger. I used to download everything. Now, with iPhones and iTunes, I buy everything from movies to songs. Now that I’m an artist, I know what it’s like to be a struggling artist, and out of respect, if there’s someone or a band I really like, I’ll go and buy their album.
Are you still taking part in underground battles like when you first started out?
Yeah, I’ve got one coming up in two weeks and just did one a few days back. It’s hard to find the time, but I love the battles.
We’ve been hearing some metro beats coming from you lately. Is this your new direction, or are you going to continue experimenting with other beats?
I don’t really have one direction or plan. I just go with the flow. Wherever the music takes me, that’s where I’ll go. There’s no real direction; we just see where the album takes us.
One last question: where do you see yourself in ten years from now? Do you see kids in the picture?
I see myself making my music, staying current, and making a living off what I love to do. I’ll have all my tattoos finished—it’s going to take a few years. I need to get my arm finished, then start on my other arm and finish off my chest piece as well. After all my tours, I want to get into a good routine of getting up early, getting my exercise in, and eating well. At the moment, I’m really enjoying just getting up and eating whatever we can get. Kids? Yeah, I want two kids—one boy and one girl—the boy first and then a little sister.
Well, I have to say that I think you’re doing amazing! Between all of your tours, signings, and appearances, you’re managing to have an amazing relationship with Crystal while still getting involved with a worthy cause and making inspiring music with positive messages to your fans. Well done, keep it up!
Thanks, much appreciated.