It's Ballet Time and classes are starting right now...

This Queensland startup Ballet Time is bringing online dance lessons to the comfort of your living room, specialising in teaching our 2-6-year-olds.
It’s Ballet Time and classes are starting right now…
This Queensland startup Ballet Time is bringing online dance lessons to the comfort of your living room, specialising in teaching our 2-6-year-olds.
It’s Ballet Time and classes are starting right now…
This Queensland startup Ballet Time is bringing online dance lessons to the comfort of your living room, specialising in teaching our 2-6-year-olds.

If you’re anything like us, you’ve spent the majority of your time in lockdown keeping the kids occupied and looking for ideas to keep the kids occupied.
It’s really cutting into the hours you’re meant to spend for remote work,
This Queensland startup Ballet Time is bringing online dance lessons to the comfort of your living room, specialising in entertaining and teaching our 2-6-year-olds.

Simply you signup for an online subscription that delivers 12 x 10-minute lessons to you per month with plenty of material to get the kids on the way to learning their new moves.
“Ballet Time was created to allow students to learn to dance no matter where they are located,” said co-founder Sam Robinson.

Founded by a team of dance and education professionals, Ballet Time is the first of its kind, in hosting pre-recorded ballet courses for children. “From creative expression and core cognitive skills to memory consolidation and full-body
motor coordination, Ballet Time classes provide the opportunity to explore these benefits in a safe, supportive, flexible environment of your choosing,” said co-founder Ashlee Smale.
You can find out more information at

This Queensland startup Ballet Time is bringing online dance lessons to the comfort of your living room, specialising in teaching our 2-6-year-olds.

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