It's time to celebrate the Staycation

We've all got a bit of cabin fever / pent up excitement and wanderlust so why not take to our backyard and discover a new place to eat, see or stay.

We’ve all got a bit of cabin fever / pent up excitement and wanderlust so why not take to our backyard and discover a new place to eat, see or stay and meet a local, spend local and enjoy living.

It’s definitely been an incredible few months around the globe; we’ve all retreated indoors and take to a life of isolation and social distancing, some of us more naturally than others and as time has gone on, we’ve all been dreaming of that time when we can again venture further than our own backyard.

We’re one of the luckiest countries in the world at the moment, and with our current fortunate situation, we are now seeing a relaxation of restrictions that has the beloved Staycation back on the table. We want to encourage as many people as possible to get out and enjoy our backyard, support local and celebrate the region we all love.

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Picture of Owen George
Owen George

Editor & Chief of Gold Coast Magazine is a lover of great coffee and sharing the stories of the people, places, and events that make the Gold Coast such a great city