Jennifer Hawkins to headline the MBFF Brisbane Myer Spring Summer Show

Mercedes-Benz Fashion Festival Brisbane is excited to announce Myer is bringing The Face of Myer, Jennifer Hawkins, to walk the runway in the Myer Spring Summer 16 Fashion Show in celebration of the event’s milestone 10th anniversary. It will be the first time Jennifer Hawkins has attended the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Festival and walked in the Myer parade, but Kris Smith will strut the Brisbane catwalk for the third consecutive year. Festival Director Lindsay Bennett said with the Myer Spring Summer 16 Fashion Show the   first on the event’s runway program, it’s going to be a fantastic start to an exciting week. “We are delighted that Queensland’s fashion loving public will have the opportunity to not only see some outstanding fashion in the Myer parade, but also showcased by the best in the business,” Lindsay Bennett said. “It’s a coup and wonderful recognition of the Festival’s 10th anniversary,” he said. The Face of Myer, Jennifer Hawkins, is thrilled to be heading to Brisbane “I’m so looking forward to visiting in August and making my first appearance at the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Festival Brisbane to walk in the Myer parade. I know it’s set to be a very special event celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Festival so I’m thrilled to be coming up and walking in the parade with Kris.” Myer Ambassador, Kris Smith adds: “I always love coming to Queensland, and I’m excited to be visiting again this year for my third appearance at the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Festival Brisbane walking in the Myer parade. This year’s parade will be the best yet as I’ll be joined by Jen Hawkins for the first time and we will be hitting the catwalk together to showcase the latest Spring Summer fashion.” The Myer Spring Summer 16 Fashion Show is on Monday 24 August at 7.00pm at the John Reid Pavilion, Brisbane Showgrounds The Mercedes-Benz Fashion Festival Brisbane will be staged from Sunday 23 – Friday 28 August 2015 at the John Reid Pavilion, Brisbane Showgrounds. For the full program, details and bookings, visit now.  ]]>

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