Jet embark on their first national Australian tour since reuniting

Jet embark on their first national Australian tour since reuniting
Jet embark on their first national Australian tour since reuniting

(function(t,e,i,d){var o=t.getElementById(i),n=t.createElement(e);;;’inline-block’;’ibb-widget’,n.setAttribute(‘src’,(‘https:’===t.location.protocol?’https://’:’http://’)+d),n.setAttribute(‘width’,’300′),n.setAttribute(‘height’,’250′),n.setAttribute(‘frameborder’,’0′),n.setAttribute(‘scrolling’,’no’),o.appendChild(n)})(document,’iframe’,’ibb-widget-root-1118835609′,””); Brothers Nic (vocals) and Chris Cester (drums), Cameron Muncey (guitar) and Mark Wilson (bass) enjoyed dizzying global success with the release of their 2003 debut long-player, Get Born. Also celebrating their 15th year anniversary is iTunes, who used the lead single from that album in their global TV campaign to drive Apple’s infamous 2003 iPod commercial, which landed ‘Are You Gonna Be My Girl’ at #1 on triple j’s Hottest 100. Together with huge follow-up hits ‘Cold Hard Bitch’, ‘Get Me Outta Here’, ‘Look What You’ve Done’ and ‘Rollover DJ’, it pushed Get Born to sell an amazing 3.5 million+ copies worldwide in its first 12 months. Tue 29 May | NEX | Newcastle, NSW Wed 30 May | Metro Theatre | Sydney, NSW Thu 31 May | Enmore Theatre | Sydney, NSW | SOLD OUT! Sat 2 June | UC Refectory | Canberra, ACT Mon 4 June | The Tivoli | Brisbane, QLD Thu 7 June | Metro City | Perth, WA Sat 9 June | Thebarton Theatre | Adelaide, SA Mon 11 June | Forum Melbourne | Melbourne, VIC | SOLD OUT! Tues 12 June | Forum Melbourne | Melbourne, VIC [embed][/embed]]]>

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