JIMMY EAT WORLD returning to Aus & NZ

Futures 10 Year Anniversary Tour will kick off in Auckland before crossing the ditch to visit all Australian capital cities and sees the band performing their pivotal album from front to back. Jim Adkins, Rick Burch, Zach Lind and Tom Linton from Mesa, Arizona formed Jimmy Eat World in 1994 and quickly cemented their position as alternative rock leaders of their generation. Futures, the band’s fifth studio album, was released on 19 October 2004 and features some of the band’s most iconic tracks including ‘Pain’ (click here to watch), which has achieved Gold status in the US and became their second song to land the #1 spot on the Billboard Modern Rock Tracks Chart. The album peaked at #27 on the ARIA Albums Chart in Australia and #6 on the Billboard 200, proving the band were still delivering the goods in album number five. One of Jimmy Eat World’s deepest and more emotive albums, Futures demonstrates the band’s growth and maturity and their crafted abilities in invoking heavy themes in even the catchiest of tunes such as ‘Work’ (click here to watch). In contrast, tracks like ‘23’ (click here to watch a live performance), a perfectly building track with seamless production, highlight the raw and echoing lyrics by Adkins, making it a perfect closing track to Futures. ‘Futures may be the deepest and most contemplative album in Jimmy Eat World’s discography. It covers an entire spectrum of emotions, from the silver-lined opening track ‘Futures’ all the way to the heart wrenching closer, ‘23’. – 5/5 Sputnik Music ‘Mixing maturity with a fixation with metal, there’s an anthemic chorus to match every squiggly, air-guitar solo, and gentle harmonies play off grinding rhythms. It’s the perfect combination for the ultimate pop-rock break-up album, and the singer-songwriter Jim Adkins jumps neck-deep into heartbreak. His lyrics are his strength.’ – «««« The Guardian If the response to their last headline tour in 2011 and reaction from fans who were lucky enough to catch them earlier this year is anything to go by, the demand for these shows are going to be through the roof! JIMMY EAT WORLD With special guests The Sinking Teeth (NZ, TAS & QLD) & My Echo (WA, SA, VIC & NSW) NOVEMBER 2014 Frontier Members pre-sale via www.frontiertouring.com/jimmyeatworld  Tue 19 Aug (2pm AEST / 2pm NZST) to Wed 20 Aug (2pm AEST / 2pm NZST) (or ends earlier if pre-sale allocation exhausted) General public on sale from 10am local AUS times / 12noon NZST, Friday 22 August Sat 8 Nov                   Auckland l Powerstation                             (18+) w/ The Sinking Teeth Ticketmaster.co.nz | Ph: 0800 111 999 Tue 11 Nov                Perth | Metro City                                         (18+) w/ My Echo Oztix.com.au | Ph: 1300 762 545 Wed 12 Nov               Adelaide | Thebarton Theatre                     (All Ages) w/ My Echo     Ticketmaster.com.au | Ph: 136 100 Sat 15 Nov                 Hobart | Uni Bar                                           (18+) w/ The Sinking Teeth Moshtix.com.au | Ph: 1300 438 849 Mon 17 Nov               Melbourne | Forum Theatre                       (18+)                                     w/ My Echo Ticketmaster.com.au | Ph: 136 100 Thu 20 Nov                Brisbane | The Tivoli                                   (18+) w/ The Sinking Teeth Ticketmaster.com.au | Ph: 136 100 Sat 22 Nov                 Sydney | Enmore Theatre                           (All Ages)                                     w/ My Echo Ticketek.com.au | Ph: 132 849 www.jimmyeatworld.com | www.facebook.com/jimmyeatworld Twitter @jimmyeatworld]]>

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