Kelsy Karter

Today we chat with Kelsy Karter Gold Coaster talented musician and part of the growing Aussie invasion of the USA with Kelsy moving over a few years ago and leaving her individual mark on the LA music scene.
We took some time to chat with her about all things music and her new video Ghost Town which has started to take the world by storm and also working with Infected Mushroom.
So first off congratulations on the new video Ghost Town … how did you find the whole creative process …?
To be honest, it was STRESSFUL — everything seemed to go wrong, but I guess that’s because chaos just follows me around haha. It was a rad experience on a whole though! I learned alot for the next one! haha
Now the video and track have a unique flair of all things you and your own brand of music. For people not familiar with your music how would you describe it in a sentence…?
Hmm.. I draw inspiration from ALL genres of music. But I guess you could call it “dark pop”.
What is it like after going through the process and seeing the finished product live for the world to see..?
It’s a special feeling. You put your heart into something and then the world gets to judge it… Call you weird, call you crazy..Whatever it is…I love the mystery and the adventure of it.
Earlier this year we also heard that you were working on a project with Infected Mushroom how was the experience…?
It was amazing. I love them so much. They are the most talented musicians ever.. and they believe in me. I consider them more than a project I worked on. They were a turning point in my career, and true friends.
We are all keen to hear what’s down the road for you next …?
SO much! I am doing a Cali high school tour next month.. gonna be a wild ride. And an EP by the end of the year. Then I am coming home to perform in January!
So here we are now how would you describe your journey so far ….?
Colorful. And weird. Just the way I like it. Haha!
And speaking of the journey what inspired you to get into music …?
I was born into a family of musicians. I didn’t decide it one day, it’s just always been the way…
So with all this work do you get much time off
And if so what does your ideal day off involve … just to wind down and escape …?
Causing some havoc of course haha. And food. But I am always doing what I love..Music is always somehow involved <3
And in closing [ Insert whatever you would like to talk about ]
Rebel Love. POW!

Picture of Owen George
Owen George

Editor & Chief of Gold Coast Magazine is a lover of great coffee and sharing the stories of the people, places, and events that make the Gold Coast such a great city