In an unexpected turn of events on a Saturday night, the renowned musician Matt Corby graced The Paddo Inn in Brisbane with his presence, thanks to Wild Turkey Bourbon and their Music 101 initiative. Aspiring musicians gathered in the pub, unaware of the surprise that awaited them—a live performance by the Aussie legend himself.
The evening kicked off with local Brisbane band, The Lyrical taking to the stage and treating the crowd of up and coming musicians to their timeless tracks. Little did the audience know, there was more excitement in store. A surprise guest emerged, none other than award winning Australian artist, Matt Corby.
This unanticipated moment is all part of Wild Turkey’s Music 101 program—a platform dedicated to inspiring and guiding budding artists on their musical journey.
Among the attendees were Queenslanders who had applied for the Wild Turkey Music 101 mentorship program, which was introduced earlier this year.
Once on stage, Matt Corby performed a few of his famous tracks and extended a warm welcome to those present and shared valuable insights with the eager musicians in the audience. Drawing from his extensive 15-year career in the Australian music scene, Corby stressed the significance of the stage as the ultimate ground for an artist’s growth.
Reflecting on the experience, Corby expressed, “It was truly special to perform for and connect with these talented up-and-coming artists. We had discussions about the essence of performing in an intimate setting like this, focusing on just the guitar and vocals. We delved into the notion of trusting one’s spirit, staying authentic to oneself, and dedicating oneself to the craft.”
Fans are encouraged to stay tuned to Wild Turkey’s social media channels for updates on future Music 101 gig sessions and other news from the Wild Turkey community. The unexpected and enriching evening served as a testament to the power of music to bring people together and uplift the spirits of both seasoned and aspiring artists alike.