Miss Universe Aus QLD Finalist interview - Lara Mitton

Well, it’s that time of year when the search to find Miss Universe Australia is well underway with State finals kicking off across the country.
Later this month at the Hotel Grand Chancellor , Surfers Paradise the judging panel will select the Queensland representatives in the 2015 Pageant.

Starting off our state finalist interviews we chat with Lara Mitton one of the contestants who will be competing for a place in the national final held on June 5 at the Sofitel Melbourne on Collins where the countries finalists will be competing for the 2015 title.

Congratulations on Making it so far in the coveted miss universe Australia competition tell us a little about yourself …? Thank you! I was born up here in the beautiful Whitsunday region in North Queensland, and after heading down to South Queensland for a few years, I found myself back up here in this slice of paradise, I think I will always call it home. I am a veterinary nurse by day, and currently studying my diploma in veterinary nursing. I also model whenever I get the chance, I just love it!

Who or what inspired you to get involved in the Miss Universe Australia Pageant …? What drew you to such a competition ….?
I have always followed the beautiful Miss Universe successors, they are all such inspirational women! They have class, beauty, and intelligence. My parents always told me that I could be anything I wanted if I worked hard enough, and that’s what I want to be! It’s one thing for my ever so supportive (and slightly bias) parents to tell me that I have the potential to do well in such a prestigious competition, but when friends & even clients started telling me I should enter as I have the qualities to succeed in the role, it gave me the confidence to give it a shot!

Speaking of inspiration who inspires you most …? 

There are many people that give me inspiration. Any person who is truly dedicated to what they believe in, or what they want to achieve, gives me motivation to keep trying & to stay dedicated to my own goals. My mother is one person that truly inspires me. Although she seems soft and is so kind, she is such a strong woman. She has been faced with many difficulties in the past couple of years and has handled each situation with dignity and grace, and I find her strength thoroughly inspirational.

If you are successful in the pageant you will become a possible inspiration or role model to many young girls how does this sit with you …? And what do you consider are the attributes of a good role model …? 

It is a huge responsibility, but I absolutely believe I can be a positive role model. I would use the platform to help empower & encourage other women to be comfortable in their own skin, & to be happy & most importantly, healthy. I believe a good role model handles publicity with grace, has poise & class, treats others with kindness, and works hard to make their goals become achievements.

The Miss Universe Pageant has a long history of associating with charity are their any social causes that are particularly close to your heart that you would like to  use the platform of miss universe to advance …? 

When I lived in Warwick, I put my love of horses & my love of helping together and I frequently volunteered with Riding for the Disabled. I loved it so much! The kids, despite having setbacks, were all so beautiful and loved life. They were some of the kindest kids I’ve met, and they stole my heart! Any program that helps kids with disabilities enjoy life and things that we often take for granted, I am an instant supporter.

What do you think will set you out from the rest  of the entrants competing in the 2015 competition …? 

I am modest, but I truly believe in myself. I think I have the potential to bring the crown back to Australia! I am a good communicator, I am confident in myself and hold myself with poise. I pride myself on my charm and class, and I believe they are traits that make Miss Universe.

What would you say is your best style or beauty secret …? 

A quote by Candace Simpson-Giles really sums it up for me, “A lady is always on her toes, realizing that every encounter makes a lasting impression. A lady thinks before she speaks and knows that false congeniality is as obvious as fake eyelashes. Trends come and go, but true style is timeless.”

I think style is more of a wear what you feel good in, confidence is key! Be classy. And SMILE!

As Audrey Hepburn said “Happy girls are the prettiest girls”.

My beauty secret would be hair. If you have nice hair, you don’t need to do much else to look presentable!

And speaking of personal style fitness is fast becoming more and more a part of the person’s personal style … how would you describe your fitness regime …? 

I have an active lifestyle. If it’s part of your lifestyle it feels much less like a chore. I have a gorgeous little dog that doesn’t let me get away with missing out on a run in the afternoon, and I also train at Whitsunday Martial Arts, doing boxing & MMA, and I really enjoy it. 

We all have a personal saying or particular mantra what would you say yours is ..? 

“Live in such a way that if anyone should speak badly of you, no one would believe it.”

Now the Quick 5 

1. What is something people might find interesting about yourself …? 

I represented Queensland a few years ago in inter-school equestrian & was in the top 3 in Australia.

2. Your favourite place in the world to wind down and relax ..? 

To really wind down &  find myself, I love walking along the beach or riding my horse. Even better, riding my horse along the beach!

What song would you say is  your personal anthem or theme song …? 

I would have to say “The Climb”

If you could give yourself one piece of advice 5 years ago what would it be …? 

I would say “Everything you want is on the other side of fear”. Be patient & work hard & the rewards are coming!

and What are five things in your life you just can’t live without …?

– Ice cream – it’s my kryptonite!

– Water

– A good laugh

– Sunshine

Picture of Owen George
Owen George

Editor & Chief of Gold Coast Magazine is a lover of great coffee and sharing the stories of the people, places, and events that make the Gold Coast such a great city