Miss Universe Aus QLD Finalist interview - Shannon Penny

Well, it’s that time of year when the search to find Miss Universe Australia is well underway with State finals kicking off across the country.
Later this month at the Hotel Grand Chancellor , Surfers Paradise the judging panel will select the Queensland representatives in the 2015 Pageant.

Starting off our state finalist interviews we chat with Shannon Penny one of the contestants who will be competing for a place in the national final held on June 5 at the Sofitel Melbourne on Collins where the countries finalists will be competing for the 2015 title.

Congratulations on Making it so far in the coveted miss universe Australia competition tell us a little about yourself …? Thank you, I am really excited to be a part of Miss Universe Australia 2015. I am a health and fitness enthusiast and I am currently studying a Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics full time at University and I work as a personal trainer here on the Gold Coast. 

Who or what inspired you to get involved in the Miss Universe Australia Pageant …? What drew you to such a competition ….?  What inspired me to get involved in the Miss Universe Australia Pageant was seeing the way that it launched previous title holder’s careers. I am very passionate about health and fitness and I see this as an opportunity to communicate, educate and influence others to live a healthy lifestyle.

Speaking of inspiration who inspires you most …? Not any one person in particular inspires me, I draw inspiration from lots of people. Anyone that gets up every day, even in the face of adversity, and works towards their goals and dreams in life inspires me.

If you are successful in the pageant you will become a possible inspiration or role model to many young girls how does this sit with you …? And what do you consider are the attributes of a good role model …? I think that being a role model is a huge responsibility because you have an obligation to ensure that you are setting a positive example, especially when it comes to young girls. I believe that I have a lot to offer as a role model and I would be so humbled to have the opportunity to inspire others. I consider a person that is grounded, has a positive attitude, good values and consistently sets an example that motivates others to identify and achieve their goals to be attributes of a good role model.  

The Miss Universe Pageant has a long history of associating with charity are their any social causes that are particularly close to your heart that you would like to  use the platform of miss universe to advance …?  Yes there is. Often when we think of malnutrition or food insecurity we tend to think of these as issues found in developing countries. However it is a problem within Australia and I would like to raise awareness. Some of the most socio-economically disadvantaged sectors of our society and many living in remote or rural communities or those experiencing homelessness do not have adequate access to fresh nutritious food. This is evidenced by higher rates of non-communicable disease and malnutrition within these sectors of the population. We have plenty of food in Australia, however sadly not everyone has access to enough of the right foods. I would like to use the platform to raise awareness of this issue.

What do you think will set you out from the rest  of the entrants competing in the 2015 competition …? All of the contestants are beautiful bringing their own unique qualities to the stage. I believe my motivation, drive and passion will assist me throughout this competition

What would you say is your best style or beauty secret …? To keep my hair healthy and smooth I use the Hair & Me Hair Rejuvenation Treatment before I wash my hair. I also use 4tbpsn of white vinegar mixed with a litre of room temperature water to rinse my hair instead of conditioner. You have to rinse the vinegar out though otherwise you will smell like a packet of chips!

And speaking of personal style fitness is fast becoming more and more a part of the person’s personal style … how would you describe your fitness regime …?  I am very active and I have made health and fitness my focus in life. I usually do three – four 30min strength sessions a week, two 90minute Bikram Yoga classes, and two-three HITT (15min) or LISS (40min) cardio sessions a week. It usually works out to be roughly 6 hours of exercise a week.

We all have a personal saying or particular mantra what would you say yours is ..?   “At the end of the day, let there be no excuses, no explanations, no regrets.”

Now the Quick 5

1. What is something people might find interesting about yourself …? I actually had a misdiagnosed fractured ankle for 7 years and had to get complex surgery to fix it in July 2014

2. Your favourite place in the world to wind down and relax ..? The kitchen. I love food!! I love cooking and sharing food with friends and family. The best part is that you can do this anywhere in the world

What song would you say is  your personal anthem or theme song …? Beautiful day – U2

If you could give yourself one piece of advice 5 years ago what would it be …? Not to do anything differently. 5 years ago was roughly around the time that I found my passion in life and started working towards it. I have had so many incredible experiences and I have met so many incredible inspiring people along the way which have helped shape the person that I am today.

and What are five things in your life you just can’t live without …? 

My loved ones (human and animal), a sense of humour, information, chocolate and tea

Picture of Owen George
Owen George

Editor & Chief of Gold Coast Magazine is a lover of great coffee and sharing the stories of the people, places, and events that make the Gold Coast such a great city