Mondays are tough but how about a FREE Dinner

Mondays are tough but how about a FREE Dinner
Mondays are tough but how about a FREE Dinner

Mondays they feel more oppressive than any other day of the week, but we may have just found a way to lighten the load with a FREE Dinner every Monday.

The team at Crafty’s Sports Bar are all about bringing friends and family together over some healthy competition, Speaking of friendly competition Crafty’s will pick up the cheque on Monday nights for your meal if you can throw a cornhole sack in the hole of their pitch.

To enter, all you have to do is head on into Crafty’s at Harbour Town eat as you usually would, and at the end of the dinner, you try your luck if you win your meal its paid for if you don’t just pay as usual.

The CornHole in Question

We’re considering installing a practice CornHole in the office. After all, there is some excellent food for everyone with the menu covering all the sports bar fav’s may we suggest the to die for fried chicken, or the insanely tasty parmigiana spring rolls

Be sure to check out Crafty’s Sports Bar’s other weekly events, deals and all around fun.

Tuesday – All you can eat fries with any main meal ordered from 5 pm

Wednesday – Wings and Tins for $15 from 6 pm

Thursday – Weekly Cornhole and Ping Pong Tournament

Friday / Saturday – Live Dj’s from 5 pm

Sunday – Sunday Sessions Live Dj’s and Entertainment

Stay up to date with all things Crafty’s Sports Bar at

Crafty’s a great spot for a tipple or treat

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