Today we chat with Andrew Davies & Tim Vize of Chess Club Collective in our Designers Corner section giving you an insight into the workings of the Label.
Who is Chess Club Collective?
Chess Club Collective is a clothing, events and lifestyle brand that uses the foundations of chess to provide the base for the brand.
When and what led you to the realisation you wanted to start designing …?Â
It all started from a university chess club. We wanted to raise money for the club and the best way we found was t-shirts. After getting all of the designs, materials etc for the shirts and gained strong support we decided to branch out on our own to expand our reach as we wouldn’t be limited to those who went to the university.
What was the first item you designed…?
Whilst collaborating with our graphic designer we knew that our first item had to encompass what the brand is about. This process lead us to the design we call – The Crypt Keeper.
What is your favourite part of the design process..?
Andrew – My favourite part of the process is sitting around at brunch brainstorming ideas.
Tim – For me the design process is a great creative outlet so it’s not so much work. It is always fun playing around on photoshop, illustrator or even just with a pen and paper!
Inspiration is a big part of any process where do you draw yours from …?
The two of us have fairly different intrests but so our inspiration is drawn from all walks of life – the media, pop icons, people we see in the street, old school fashion, controversial media personalities and of course chess!
When sketching out your latest designs do you have anything that helps you get creative a favourite music, food or process …?Â
Andrew – Listening to a good Diplo set over a nice tub of Ben & Jerry’s always gets the creative juices flowing.
Tim – Sitting out on the front deck with a coffee whilst listening to a mix of songs from Jack Johnson & Pete Murrary normally does the trick. If I need to clear my head I’ll take the dogs for a walk before getting stuck into it.
How would you describe your brands market and style …?
We’d like to consider Chess Club Collective as an eclectic mix of streetwear and good times, appealing to the subculture of 21st century hipsters.
What does Australia fashion mean to you and what would you say makes it uniquely Australian …?
Australian fashion really epitomises what it means to be laid back and cool. We feel it’s not necessarily how ‘trendy’ you are, but how comfortable you are within yourself in what you’re wearing. Australian culture is such a broad spectrum, just like our weather so we like to incorporate fashion that can be worn around the year in Australia and globally.
You can also see the label at the QT Fashion Week Day Out
Where can our readers get their hand on your label …?
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