Ryan Ginns and Nathan Joliffe on Tour

Heartthrobs / pranksters
Ryan Ginns & Nathan Joliffe

are now getting up to mischief overseas, recently exploring Europe with Contiki. Here they chat to GC Mag about celebrating the world around us.
Hey guys! Thank you so much for taking the time to chat to GC Mag today! How has life been treating you since the big reality TV show wins?
Ryan: Life is treating me very kindly. The schooners have been flowing but after a big Christmas and New Year’s period I’m ready to knuckle down. Some exciting things to come for 2015.
The theme of this issue of GC Mag is all about celebration – so how did you guys celebrate your wins?
Nathan: Well the Amazing Race wasn’t live so we decided to throw a party at my mate’s restaurant in Bondi. We watched the show play out with everyone speculating whether we had won or not. Everyone cheered when they found out. It was rad.
Has it been hard adjusting to life in the public eye?
Nathan: No not really, but you definitely have to be conscious about the way you carry yourself in public and at social events because I want to be a good role model for the younger generation.
Moving onto your recent trip to Europe with Contiki… Was this your first group travel experience, what was it like?
Nathan: Yep, that’s the most people I have travelled with by far. It was really fun though. It’s cool meeting new people and enjoying the world together.
While you were away you made some travel videos, what was a standout moment while you were filming?
Nathan: You can’t go past driving the Ferrari around the French Riviera. That was an unbelievable experience – you should definitely check the videos out.
What are your favourite things about travel?
Nathan: Learning about the world. Australia is pretty isolated so it’s awesome to get overseas and immerse yourself in other countries’ cultures, history and traditions.
Where is your ultimate travel destination?
Ryan: I thrive on those places were you feel there’s not too many boundaries, the places where you feel like the possibilities are endless. If you need something, they can do it. I’m travelling across India on a motorcycle in July to raise money for a charity that I’ve founded named MSMS. Although I haven’t been, I’ve got a feeling I’m going to really love it.

Do you have any handy tips for travelling with your mates?
Ryan: Don’t keep a tally on who owes who what. The money will come back around in the next shout of beers. There’s nothing worse than travelling with someone who is constantly counting who bought the last snacks or picked up the cab back to the hotel. It’s safe to say that Nath is fruitful when it comes to shouting a beer.
I’m actually doing a Contiki by myself in June, do you have any tips for travelling by yourself?
Ryan: Enjoy every minute and get involved with your group. The hashtag ‘noregrets’ actually makes sense, I look back on our trip with great memories and that’s because we didn’t hold back.
And finally what is your favourite holiday that you have been on? Or your favourite travel experience?
Ryan: A couple of years back I was lucky enough to travel the world for a year. I went all over thanks to my sister’s staff travel discounts and did great things. It’s something I’ll always remember and still makes me happy thinking back on it.

Nathan & Ryan travelled on the Discovery Plus 13-day Mediterranean tour

To find out more about the ways to travel with Contiki and see exclusive videos, and images and travel tips from Nathan & Ryan click here