Snapped: The Launch of the Boost Mobile GC500

See those who rocked the orange carpet at the launch of the Boost Mobile GC500 at Isoletto Pool Club.
Snapped: The Launch of the Boost Mobile GC500
LR - Riana Crehan and Peter Adderton | Photos by Edge Photographics
Snapped: The Launch of the Boost Mobile GC500
LR - Riana Crehan and Peter Adderton | Photos by Edge Photographics

It certainly has been a long time since Supercars took to the Surfers Paradise streets, but with under forty days until the events return,,  guests including music acts from this year’s lineup, government officials, VIPs, Olympic Athletes, sponsors and some of Supercar’s biggest names, gathered at Isoletto Pool Club at The Dorsett to launch the official countdown to this year’s event.

Snapped below are those who rocked the orange carpet at the launch of the Boost Mobile GC500.

Premair Racing Principal Matt Cook and his fiancée Alexandra
Shell V Power Racings Will Davison talking with Charlie Barlow of Supercars Media
Anton De Pasquale of Shell V Power Racing and Mark Dutton of Red Bull Ampol Racing
DJ Total Eclipse and Bliss from Bliss n Eso
Left – Gold Coast Mayor Tom Tate
Riana Crehan and Will Davison
Mayor and Mayoress Tom and Ruth Tate
Supercars CEO Shane Howard and Wife Bernadette

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