The Splendour Ticket Resale is On People

Splendour In The Grass - Client Liason
Splendour In The Grass - Client Liason

Head to moshtix where you can get your hot mitts on any unwanted Event and Camping tickets as they pop up on the official resale facility. This is the ONLY place where you can purchase legit tickets for Splendour in the Grass 2018. Everything else is fake news!

Remember – tickets will constantly move in and out of the resale and you’ll still only be able to purchase tickets for up to 4 people, subject to availability. If you miss out on your preferred tickets, keep checking back in as people put their unwanted tickets back on the market!

The Official Splendour Resale facility closes at midnight AEST Monday 16 July for those wanting to buy. Here’s the recap:


Devo’d to have missed out when tix got snapped up in April? Head here for the scoop on how to get in on the resale action.


Boss not letting you have time off? Click here for the lowdown on how to sell your tickets.


Dusting off your wheels for Splendour? Now’s the time to start thinking about what kind of Vehicle Pass you’ll need to pre-purchase for your ride. Remember Vehicle Passes are for vehicles, Camping Tickets are for people. You need both to enter the campgrounds.

There are 4 choices of Vehicle Pass, including the brand spanking new Big Rig option. Plus, you can pump up your tyres and your enviro cred. There are redemptions* on offer if you get your crew together and carpool. Score!

Here are your choices. Click through for more info. Then take your pick and head to moshtix to pre-purchase.


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