Tips for finding affordable fashion

In this day and age with bills and rates getting higher it can seem as though buying a wonderful
new outfit is a tad
out of reach for many of us avid fashion goers. Now this doesn’t mean we have to be un-fashionable
or start wearing track pants on a daily basis. Sometimes we just need a little help finding
affordable fashion and knowing how to put the right pieces together to style a low-price high
fashion outfit.

If you are struggling with fashion ideas the best places to start getting some ideas are via online
fashion blogs, which are updated daily. There are many websites, Instagram blogs, fashion magazines
or even heading out to fashion events, walking down the street or in a shopping mall.. The list
goes on. Get to know the in season colours that work best for you, the shapes and styles that fit
to your body and work them in to suit your own personal style.

Some stores I find myself walking into regularly and picking up in fashion items for half the price
are Valleygirl, Temt, Cotton On, Dissh, She Envy, Famous Footwear, Lovisa and Collette just to name
a few. I also love to shop online at, The and many of the stores I mentioned
above are online too.

Affordable fashion doesn’t always mean you can’t pick up a designer garment. So many online stores
have items popping up on sale at amazing prices. Some stores I love that stock beautiful brands are
Anna & Ruth at Kingscliff, Design Scout at Kingscliff, Le Deux in Burleigh and A Little Birdie Told Me at Burleigh

TIP: The best way to get to know your style is to get to know your body shape and what items of
clothing flatter it. Get in front of the mirror and try on different shapes and styles in dresses,
pants tops and see what you feel most confident in, ask a friend or a shop assistant for advice if
you need it or take some snaps in front of the mirror and decide from looking through those.

The key to finding a good quality bargain is very simple if you take the time to get to know what
stores & styles
work best for your budget & lifestyle. Happy Shopping!