What You Should Do If You’re Falsely Accused of a Crime

People are often falsely accused of crimes, and while you might think your case may need to be fought out in a dramatic court battle, the proceedings generally look very different from what you’ve probably seen in the movies. So, how do you handle being falsely accused of a crime in Australia?

  1. Take the accusations seriously

For anyone who has been accused of a crime and needs to attend court, the circumstances are serious and therefore, even if you are completely innocent, you should take the situation and its potential consequences seriously. Regardless of your innocence, you can’t assume that the judge, police, prosecutor, or jury will see you as innocent. By approaching your case seriously, you place yourself in the best position possible to make wise decisions that may lead to a better outcome of the case. 

  1. Understand the cost of a good defence

It might seem unfair to have to pay to defend yourself against charges that have no standing because of your innocence. However, a good defence could be the difference between paying a hefty fine or, worse, jail time for a crime you didn’t commit and walking away Scott-free. Make no mistake though, a good defence attorney can be incredibly expensive. 

Paying for a decent defence attorney, as well as the investigation costs, expert witnesses, and court fees, can quickly rack up a substantial fee. However, in the grander scheme of things, you’ve got to understand that it’s all worth it if it helps you avoid jail time and keeps you free of criminal charges. 

  1. Hire a lawyer

The most important thing you can do should you be falsely accused of a crime is to lawyer up with a good attorney. Hiring a lawyer increases your chances of defending yourself well, and the sooner you hire a lawyer, the more time you give them to prepare for your case. 

A major reason why you want to have a good lawyer at your side is because the prosecutor may try to work on your emotions to swing the judge or jury in their favour. Having a lawyer to help prepare you for your case offers you a hedge of protection. Donnelly Law criminal defence lawyers on the Gold Coast are one of the best law firms in Australia. They have an impeccable track record of defending their clients and would gladly help you with most cases. 

  1. Try to intervene before charges are brought

Another benefit of hiring a lawyer early is that they can get a headstart in defending you. In certain cases where the charges brought against you are wrong, your lawyer can get the whole case dismissed before you ever have to step foot in a courtroom. The earlier you intervene, the better in most circumstances. 

  1. Gather all relevant evidence

To strengthen your case, it’s helpful to have all the relevant evidence. Whether it’s clothing, photos, an expert witness or a solid alibi, the more evidence that points to your innocence, the better, therefore, try to collect any documents that may back your defence, such as emails, GPS locations, and receipts of a shop you attended at the same time of the incident, to prove your whereabouts — anything that can strengthen your case. 

  1. Look for witnesses

Having a witness is always beneficial because they can describe the events that occurred accurately and clear the entire case up should their testimony be good enough. So, if possible, ensure you get as many witness details as possible so that you can call upon them if the case progresses to court. 

  1. Participate in a thorough investigation

In the event that you are formally charged with a crime, your lawyer may need to conduct a thorough investigation to uncover more facts or evidence involved in your case. This might feel uncomfortable, but for your own sake, we encourage you to participate as much as you can in the investigation, as it could be the difference between you winning or losing your case. 

  1. Consider a plea bargain

Sometimes, things don’t always go according to plan, and regardless of your innocence, the evidence may point to the worst-case scenario for you. Should you find your case going downhill, your lawyer may suggest that you take a plea bargain in order to lighten the sentence given to you. 

Final Thoughts

Being accused of something you didn’t do is harsh and can be traumatic, particularly if the crime is severe. However, in situations like these, remaining calm and following the steps above can help you keep yourself grounded as you navigate through. The sooner you get a professional lawyer in your corner, the better your chances are of winning your case.