Burleigh's latest burger shop is offering free burgers for a year !!

This Brisbane institution has announced it's making a move down the M1 with their new location set to open in Burleigh Heads early next month.
Burleigh's latest burger shop is offering free burgers for a year !!
Burleigh's latest burger shop is offering free burgers for a year !!

This Brisbane institution has announced it’s making a move down the M1 with their new location set to open in Burleigh Heads early next month.

Burger Urge is offering one lucky customer free burgers for a year as part of the campaign to open their latest location; the company has created a cult-like following in recent years with their cheeky marketing campaigns, great burgers and now it’s the Gold Coast’s turn.

Newly appointed General Manager Matt Manzie said the company considered opening at many different locations across Australia but ultimately decided the beach scene at Burleigh Heads was where they should be next.

“Burleigh Heads is an iconic location on the Gold Coast and has a lot more to offer than just Burleigh Point,” he said.

“The location at Stockland Burleigh will allow locals a delicious treat when they’re out and about.

Burleigh has an engaged, active and creative community that we feel will resonate with our brand values – we want them to experience burgers the way they should be.

The Stocklands location is set to open in early September and showcases a new look and feel for the brand, with it being the brand’s first smaller and convenience-focused location.

“The store is the first smaller format convenience outlet – while it provides dine-in, it has been enhanced to provide fast and delicious take-away as well,” Mr Manzie said.

To celebrate the store’s launch at Burleigh Heads, Burge Urge will give customers the chance to win free burgers for a year.

To be eligible for the delicious prize, customers will need to sign up to the company’s loyalty program Bite Club by 30 September.

“We just wanted to do something fun – free burgers for a year is a pretty cool way to let people know we’re here,” Mr Manzie said.

To find out more about the new store at Burleigh Heads and how to sign up to Bite Club to go into the draw to win free burgers for a year, visit burgerurge.com.au/biteclub/

Picture of Owen George
Owen George

Editor & Chief of Gold Coast Magazine is a lover of great coffee and sharing the stories of the people, places, and events that make the Gold Coast such a great city