Faces of the Gold Coast with Lexie the Ordinary Mum

If we're not careful, we'll grow to believe a false kind of perfection but sometimes we meet people just being people and thats refreshing and Lexie.

If we’re not careful, we’ll grow to believe there’s a false kind of perfection out there in social media land where things appear sweeter. For most of us however the fact is, the day ahead will be entirely ordinary. Same drill. Same hustle. Same dizzy dilemmas. I wonder though, if we are alert enough, those little hints of glory that pop out against the mundane could be the sincerest perfection of all.
Meet @lexietheordinarymum. Lexie’s rhythm and acceptance of life in all its unpredictability is inspiring so I set out to meet her.

I wonder though, if we are alert enough, those little hints of glory that pop out against the mundane could be the sincerest perfection of all.
Meet @lexie.theordinarymum.
Lexie’s rhythm and acceptance of life in all its unpredictability is inspiring, so I set out to meet her.

She shared…
“We moved to the GC three years ago with a newborn and a new business. I felt isolated and alone. Despite the joys, motherhood was a lonely journey and I wondered if it was just me who felt like this?
After posting regularly on the realities of my life, it turned out I wasn’t. Each time I would post I could sense a collective sigh of relief from others who could easily relate.
Suddenly, I didn’t feel so lonely anymore. There are pages out there that sell a false sense of motherhood… the adoring wife, the perfect mother, immaculate photos and fashion on point. It is impossible to live up to that sh*t.
I was tired of all the fluff and bubble so decided to tell it like it was.
I wanted to send a clear message that an ordinary life is extraordinary inclusive of the tantrums, poo explosions, double chins, grey hair or whatever. I think that’s really important — authentic, raw, real. There’s a vulnerability in that. My dream? Definitely to continue writing. I’d love to pursue professional writing opportunities, but for now,
I’m just trying to get through this journey with a smile. That’s where I’m at”.

Like Lexie, I think I’ve learnt to love the fragile places of imperfection where the light gets in.
I’ve learnt to appreciate the contrast of hard edges and new beginnings and how my own definition of success is the only one that has to take my breath away.
I keep learning, forgetting and remembering again that life can look a blurry kind of beautiful when you stare into the glare of truth. So let the floors be smudged and our eyes are bleary. Let the bath be dusty, and the dinner be leftovers. Authentic, raw, real… now that’s social media worthy!