Well here in Queensland we’ve just wrapped up another sensational Summertime the weather is sparkling, and the search for the next Miss Universe Australia is heading our way with finalists being announced across the country now.
We thought we would kick off our home state interviews with Kellie King
Congratulations on making it through to the state finals, why don’t you tell us about yourself?
Thanks so much. Kel here, originally from Jervis Bay on the NSW South Coast, I have been a Gold Coast girl for the past three years. I spread my time quiet broadly, Teaching Special Education, and running my own clothing company. I am passionate about a lot in this life of mine and try to make the most of every opportunity presented, which has lead me here, entering Miss Universe.
We all have motivations, Mine usually revolves around coffee ? but what was your key motivation for entering the Miss Universe Australia competition?
Entering Miss Universe was not by any means an expected move on my behalf. I have never been apart of any contest of this nature, and usually choose to stay behind the scenes rather than put myself out there. Which was exactly my motivation for entering, I know i learn and grow greatest when i expose myself to situations where i feel uncomfortable, this being one of those. I am aiming to, and have already expanded the walls of my comfort zone by saying yes, and embracing every experience we have offered to us.
What part of the Miss Universe Australia program are you most looking forward to?
All of it. Not having done anything of this nature before, I was unsure of what to expect, so it’s already a big learning curve. There are so many amazing opportunities presented within the contest that strengthens our self awareness and confidence, which is only going to carry over and continue to help us all as life goes on. I am just excited to be apart of it all. To grow, to build connections, to have a lot fun!
We are all unique so what would you say is something that makes you stand out from the other contestants?
I’m a big advocate for recognising the importance of acknowledging your own strengths, and what you can bring to the ‘table’, especially in a world so full of comparison, in saying that though, its sometime still hard to be open and share that. Everyone chosen is going to be amazing for there own reasons, i believe mine are my ability to communicate and connect deeply with others in a short period of time, my passion for equality, and my creativity in completing tasks. I am by no means what society paints as a ‘beauty queen’ but i see that as my strength.
With the state finals, just a few days away, has your routine changed at all?
Haha well with Easter just passing, i could have watched the egg intake a little, but no, routine is still the same as always. I lead a life where i strive for balance daily, and don’t feel the need to change anything up dramatically in the lead up. I’ll just do the usual Kel and see how it goes for me!
What is something that you hope to bring out of the Miss Universe Australia pageant?
I view this whole experience as an incredible opportunity for growth. As mentioned, i want to, and have already, widened the parameters of my comfort zone to better myself as a young women. Leaning into every opportunity is only going to benefit myself and others around me, for that i am already grateful. If i am to continue in the competition, those opportunities will continue to present themselves, i’ll continue to learn and grow, and at the end of the day, that’s invaluable thing to me.
What is the funniest thing that has happened to you recently?
Haha, oh, I am a regular at the local dog park thanks to my pup, Rae and was recently in deep conversation (probably confessing my love for my dog) when I got bowled over by two others paying. I was quick to get back to my feet and laugh it off, it would have looked hilarious, but it did indeed hurt!
How would your closest friend describe you?
I was unsure of this, so i asked them: ” Kels is infectious, you’ll never hear a bad word about her, because no one would have any, She’s one of those people that you want to be around, always, because she somehow creates a space where you can be yourself completely, and more than that, be a better version of yourself. She is kind beyond worlds, intelligent and inspiring as all hell. On top of that, she is stunning, hardly fair, right? “
Name five things you can’t live without?
Ohh that a hard one, I’ll say.. -my support crew -my dog -coconut oil -lemons -my camera
What inspires you?
People, of all backgrounds and abilities just going for it. Chasing down dreams, kicking goals, staring adversity in the eye and breaking the barriers of what is thought and labeled ‘achievable’. Within society, and Teaching Special Education, we are always shown the guidelines on ‘how to do life’ or ‘what success looks like’. I am forever pushing others buttons to follow there will, regardless of what it may look like to the rest of the world, it is so refreshing to see others, no matter who they are, achieve complete happiness, changing the ways, pushing boundaries and building a life of passion!
Kellie is also raising money for ToyBox International please consider making a donation at EveryDayHero