Well here in Queensland we’ve just wrapped up another sensational Summertime the weather is sparkling, and the search for the next Miss Universe Australia is heading our way with finalists being announced across the country now.
We thought we would kick off our home state interviews with Liv Hall.
Congratulations on making it through to the state finals, why don’t you tell us about yourself?
Thank you, I am extremely honoured to be a part of Miss Universe Australia 2018. I am 23 years old, and I live in Tugun on the beautiful Gold Coast. My parents have always encouraged me to lead a fit and healthy lifestyle, I have grown up competing in Surf Life Saving and have recently transitioned into Stand Up Paddle Board Racing. I have always loved my jobs as I have created my careers around my lifestyle. I am a Lifeguard for the City of Gold Coast, a personal trainer and a Model.
We all have motivations, Mine usually revolves around coffee ? but what was your key motivation for entering the Miss Universe Australia competition?
I have struggled with Anxiety in social situations and in the past I have let it affect my life to some extent. My key motivation was to most definitely step out of my comfort zone. So far in this competition, I have felt like the video challenges that we have done each week has made me a lot more confident in myself. I was able to pull together a Charity event for Toybox International, that was a huge milestone for me. My other motivations for entering Miss Universe Australia is to be a positive and healthy role model to the younger generation by setting a good example.
What part of the Miss Universe Australia program are you most looking forward to?
To be honest, each week has been really enjoyable with all the new challenges they have been giving us. We have done F45 classes, picked out a new pair of Skechers, hair and makeup workshops and video challenges. I’m really looking forward to our QLD State Final night, meeting all the other girls in a different setting and just seeing where this journey takes me.
We are all unique so what would you say is something that makes you stand out from the other contestants?
Being the first time I have competed in Miss Universe Australia, I haven’t had the chance to get to know many of the contents on a personal level as yet. Everyone definitely has their own strengths and attributes. Although I am hoping that just being myself will be enough to make me stand out from the other contestants.
With the state finals, just a few days away, has your routine changed at all?
No, my routine is very different to your standard girl. I wake up at 5 am every day to go training either on my stand up paddle board, pool or gym. I then go to work as a Lifeguard during the day and either run on my lunch break or after work depending on if I have clients to train that day or not. I wake up and do it all over again. On the weekend I love adventuring with my puppies and my family. This is my routine I have all year; I come from a rigorous athletic background, so time managing my videos and routine is one of my strengths.
What is something that you hope to bring out of the Miss Universe Australia pageant?
I would like to come out with more personal growth, a lot more life experiences and to meet a whole new group of friends. I would also like to think I would portray a very positive and healthy influence for the younger generation in both body and mind.
What is the funniest thing that has happened to you recently?
Recently I did a photoshoot for the lifeguard service and Commonwealth Games. My family were constantly hounding me about when these photos were to come out. We thought they were going to go up on billboards all over the Coast. A couple of weeks later we walked down to a local cafe. My pride and joy photoshoot ended up on a being on the side of a rubbish bin, and my mother made me stand there and take a photo next to it. Parents. Embarrassing aren’t they!? Hahahaha.
How would your closest friend describe you?
CLUMSY. VERY CLUMSY. Hahahaha whoops! But extremely loyal.
Name five things you can’t live without?
This question is easy! 1. My family. 2. My dogs. 3. My friends. 4.The ocean. 5. Chocolate Duh!! hahaha
What do you do in your spare time?
Clean my floors. Hahaha. I am OBSESSED with cleaning my floors. I get pure enjoyment out of walking on clean tiles. I actually have asked for my dream vacuum cleaner and mop slippers for my birthday. That would be absolutely amazing!! Weird, I know. Hahaha.
Liv is also raising money for ToyBox International please consider making a donation at EveryDayHero