Shanelle Feillafe - Miss Universe Queensland Finalist

Well here in Queensland we’ve just wrapped up another sensational Summertime the weather is sparkling, and the search for the next Miss Universe Australia is heading our way with finalists being announced across the country now.

We thought we would kick off our home state interviews with Shanelle Feillafe.

Congratulations on making it through to the state finals, why don’t you tell us about yourself?

I am 24 years old, and I live in Brisbane with my sister Gabbie. The love of my life is my dog Winston (Winnie the Poo), and I also have a cat – Lily. I am currently a flight attendant with Virgin Australia, and I absolutely love flying around, meeting new people and exploring our amazing country. I also study full time at Australian Catholic University, doing a Bachelor in Early Childhood and Primary Education. Teaching is my absolute passion, and I can’t wait to one day have my own classroom and be a part of so many children’s lives and playing a part in shaping who they are.

We all have motivations, Mine usually revolves around coffee ? but what was your key motivation for entering the Miss Universe Australia competition?

I entered this competition with the thought. “what do I have to lose?” If I’m able to succeed with Miss Universe Australia, I want to use it as a platform for all women that anything is possible. Growing up as an Army kid, I went to 6 different schools and battled mental health issues from being bullied, and I overcame those obstacles. I want to be able to help future generations see just how strong and confident you can be in the face of adversity. Coffee also helps get through those tough days!

What part of the Miss Universe Australia program are you most looking forward to?

I am looking forward to giving back to the community through our charity work and fundraising. We have been raising money for Ronald McDonald House and Starlight Captains through Toybox International, and I hope I get the opportunity to see the difference we’ve made on this journey.

If this journey with @missuniverseaustralia.official has taught me anything, it’s that we need to look past our flaws and insecurities and just embrace who we are inside and out, and be confidently you. I’m so incredibly excited for the #MissUniverseQLD state finals this Thursday and I’m so thankful for being able to experience this wonderful journey so far?

A post shared by Shanelle Georgette Feillafe (@shanellegeorgettef) on

We are all unique so what would you say is something that makes you stand out from the other contestants?

On the outside, my crazy Mauritian hair! But I would have to say my ability to communicate… it’s hard to keep me quiet (lol). As I mentioned earlier, I went to 6 different schools so being thrown into a room full of strangers and making friends is something I learnt (and love) to do!

With the state finals, just a few days away, has your routine changed at all?

I’m all about balance, so I still treat myself to some naughty food, but not before I’ve earnt it! I generally make a conscious effort to eat well and exercise regularly; I go to an amazing gym – F45 Chermside and I am so lucky to have amazing trainers there that push me to my limits! I also love taking my dog Winnie on walks, so leading up to the competition, I am staying true to myself and that’s what I’ll showcase on the night!

What is something that you hope to bring out of the Miss Universe Australia pageant?

New friends, an amazing experience and a little self-discovery along the way.

What is the funniest thing that has happened to you recently?

Falling asleep on a party boat, eventually being found and escorted off like a VIP – I was the last one off because no one could find me!

How would your closest friend describe you?

Well, I asked, and she responded that I’m a driven, resilient, caring and a genuine ray of sunshine. She’s a keeper.

Name five things you can’t live without?

1. Winnie 2. D, L, M, E (my girls) 3. Wifi 4. Sleep 5. Chicken nuggets

If you could give some advice to a younger you, what would it be?

Stop trying to fit in and please everyone. You were born to march to the beat of your own drum. So stay positive and real to yourself and the universe will provide!

Shanelle is also raising money for ToyBox International please consider making a donation at EveryDayHero

Photography by Nevermist Photography.

Picture of Owen George
Owen George

Editor & Chief of Gold Coast Magazine is a lover of great coffee and sharing the stories of the people, places, and events that make the Gold Coast such a great city