Miss Universe Australia 2017 Finalist - Elise Chambellant

The search to find the next Miss Universe Australia is underway, with National finalists preparing to touch down in Melbourne later this month ahead of the national finals held at the Sofitel on Collins June 29.
Miss Universe Australia 2017 Finalist - Elise Chambellant
Miss Universe Australia 2017 Finalist - Elise Chambellant

The search to find the next Miss Universe Australia is underway, with National finalists preparing to touch down in Melbourne later this month ahead of the national finals held at the Sofitel on Collins June 29.

We are chatting with Elise Chambellant, from Queensland who will be competing for the 2017 title of Miss Universe Australia,

Following in the footsteps of Jennifer Hawkins, Rachael Finch, Tegan Martin & Jesinta Campbell.

First of all the introduction, Why don’t you tell us about yourself?

I am a Brisbane girl born and raised. I recently turned 21, and I am currently in my fourth year of Exercise and Nutrition Science at The University of Queensland. I have a love for health and fitness which I like to combine with my constant need to explore nature; hiking and waterfall hopping just seem so much more entertaining than walking on a treadmill. I act for commercial and television projects as well as modelling outside of my studies. I just started my own promotion and Events Company and our first two activations were fantastic, so I cannot wait to get home from Melbourne and continue to expand the business. My friends, family and close network take priority in my life and always have. I hope to use my experience and qualifications to help other young people realise their full potential. All a brilliant young mind needs is encouragement and support. I feel I am well on my way to making that dream a reality.


Elise Congratulations on making it so far in the such a coveted competition, we have to ask how the overall experience has been so far?

Miss Universe Australia 2017 has been a full on experience, and I expected nothing less. It is challenging and rewarding in so many ways. I have enjoyed meeting and making solid friendships with this year’s contestants, and I hope to only strengthen those ties in Melbourne in the coming week.


We have just heard you returned from the Intercontinental Resort in Bali as part of the program, How was the experience and what would you say was your highlight?

Our Bali trip did not disappoint. From the accommodation to the food and sensational company it made for life-long and extremely special memories. My highlight of the trip would have to be the afternoon we spent at Think Pink Nail Spa. We were greeted like royalty, and no expense or trimming was spared from people who arguably have much less than we do, this made our time there all the more genuine and memorable. Although we did not speak the same language, we all laughed, made jokes and took selfies with our beautiful Balinese therapists at the end of our visit and they could not have been happier. I do not remember the last time my heart was as happy as it was in this moment.

It’s not long now until the finals, how are you feeling in the lead-up and what sort of preparation are you doing, before the finals get underway?

Nerves are a given and to be expected. I have learnt to let them come and go and find routine is the best way to manage them. My days are long and full steam ahead, but it is the only way to get things done! I go to the gym for 2-3 hours per day, drink an obscene amount of turmeric lattes and continue to coordinate work and study commitments. A lot of my preparation for MUA is internal, and I find that to be the most crucial aspect of the personal presentation.

With so many women all bring their individual flare to the competition, what do you think will set you apart from the other contestants?

Resilience is key. I have grown immensely in the past two years and even more so in the months proceeding MUA 2016. Those close to me tend to describe me as “ahead of my years” or “an old soul” which I feel has often set me apart from the crowd. I have known real pain and faced huge setbacks at a young age which sees me prioritising other’s happiness before my own. Many people see that as a disadvantage but by putting others first I have found the people in my life who are worth keeping and who will fight to keep me a part of theirs and those people are truly irreplaceable.


Speaking of unique flare or style what would you say is your best style or beauty secret?

Always dress for your unique shape and colouring. For example, I look horrible in orange or red. I am extremely pale without the competition tan layered on so I tend to avoid colours that will bring out red or yellow tones in my skin. The same can be said for shape. We all have ‘assets’ there is something or more likely a hundred things that are beautiful about you so find which ones you love the most and accentuate them. Your eyes, your waist, your petite ankles the world is your oyster!


What inspired you to enter in the Miss Universe Australia pageant?

As this is my second time competing for the title of MUA, I feel my motivation has changed enormously. Entering for the second time did not come without a great deal of ‘toing and froing’ MUA is a massive leap… Physically and emotionally it pushes you to your limits… Well, I suppose that depends on how competitive you are which brings me to my answer. I am a competitive, determined young lady with unrelenting standards and I expect nothing but the best from MYSELF. If I don’t feel I have presented my best, then I don’t intend on stopping until I do which is why I entered for the second time in 2017. My greatest competition is the woman in the mirror and I wouldn’t have it any other way.


Speaking of inspiration who or what inspires you most?

Knowing or being close to those people who have had a difficult past and still built a successful career and warm attitude to the people around them deeply inspires me to push myself. I am so blessed to have been given the family, education and love I still receive to this day. I have known unbelievably special people who at every cruel hurdle could have given up and refused. They have built lives, families and dreams from nothing and that alone should be enough to make you want to thrive, help others and push to be someone else’s inspiration


What is something people might find interesting about yourself?

I am naturally quite shy. Crazy I know. I taught myself from a young age how to interact with all kinds of people and humour was more often than not the vessel I used to communicate. When I first started going out at 18, I would almost always go out on my own. I could meet friends out of course, but I would get ready and get there on my own. This meant I had to find the venue, walk in and find my group or make friends all flying solo. I use to shake I was so nervous! But it pushed me to the edge of my comfort zone, and now people would assume I am the most confident and self-assured in the room.


What does the average day look like for you?

The first thing I do when I wake up is cuddle my two gorgeous puppies.
They emerge from the doona with floppy warm ears and climb straight onto my chest for a mummy cuddle. Then we go for a walk to the park come home and straight to the kitchen! It’s like feeding time on the Serengeti at my house. Three cats three dogs a snake and Fetty the fish. Once brekkie is done, I usually sit down with a cup of tea and watch an episode of my favourite box sets. Frasier, grey’s anatomy, and west wing I try to steer clear of the news. Depending on the day it could be anything from a casting, filming a commercial or running an event for my promotional company. They could all be up to 14 hour days so on days off I spend time with my best friends going to breakfast at my favourite cafes and consuming all the turmeric lattes available. I spend a few hours at the gym rebooting and clearing my head before coming home having a hot shower and whacking on some essential oils to make sure I’m out like a light for the next crazy day.


Where is your favourite place in the world to wind down and relax?

I feel most at home in the bush or forest. I come from a long line of dairy farmers to this day our family still owns and runs one of the largest dairy farms in the country. So naturally I grew up spending a lot of my family vacations and weekends 4WDing, hiking, swimming in water holes and learning about different types of snakes, frogs, birds and bugs from my rad dad (mum not so much “no thanks”).

I feel alive and totally calm in nature… I was going to say Kmart because it is my other favourite place in the world but then I realised I get THE MOST anxiety there because I don’t know how to handle so many bargains at one time?! Think of all the homewares and small dog jumpers!


What is something you find yourself saying all the time?

You will take away only what you put in, to a situation a relationship or an opportunity. You cannot expect to receive more than what you are giving so give it everything.


If you could give yourself one piece of advice five years ago what would it be?

You have made it this far, and it will get harder, but you are stronger than you could imagine so don’t you dare give up!


And finally what are the five things you couldn’t live without?

My family and friends
My puppies and all of my beautiful pets
Dessert any kind mostly Darrell Lee BB’s they are my new thing
MOTHER EARTH CLEARLY! Pick up your rubbish!
Eyebrow brush… I have this weird eyebrow thing don’t ask

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Picture of Owen George
Owen George

Editor & Chief of Gold Coast Magazine is a lover of great coffee and sharing the stories of the people, places, and events that make the Gold Coast such a great city