Miss Universe Australia 2017 Finalist - Georgie Mitchell

The search to find the next Miss Universe Australia is underway, with National finalists preparing to touch down in Melbourne later this month ahead of the national finals held at the Sofitel on Collins June 29.

The search to find the next Miss Universe Australia is underway, with National finalists preparing to touch down in Melbourne later this month ahead of the national finals held at the Sofitel on Collins June 29.

We are chatting with Georgie Mitchell, from NSW who will be competing for the 2017 title of Miss Universe Australia,

Following in the footsteps of Jennifer Hawkins, Rachael Finch, Tegan Martin & Jesinta Campbell.

First of all the introduction, Why don’t you tell us about yourself?

I was born and raised in Melbourne, Victoria as an only child. I grew up skiing competitively in Falls Creek as part of the ‘Falls Creek Race Squad’ every winter and have always been madly obsessed with all kinds of dogs especially the four that I’ve grown up with. I started modelling part time at the age of 16 and have worked overseas in Shanghai, New Zealand and London and now work as a model full-time in Sydney. I have completed a lot of studies over the years including a Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Marketing and Commercial Law at Deakin University, and recently completed my double Masters in Entrepreneurship & Innovation and Masters in Business Administration at Swinburne University.

Georgie Congratulations on making it so far in the such a coveted competition, we have to ask how the overall experience has been so far?

Like a dream! I was a National Finalist last year and enjoyed the whole process so much that I came back for more. I’m very excited to be back in the Miss Universe Australia program and cannot wait for finals and to be in Melbourne with all the girls again!

We have just heard you returned from the Intercontinental Resort in Bali as part of the program, How was the experience and what would you say was your highlight?

Yes, I did. The Intercontinental Resort in Bali was heavenly!! An absolutely gorgeous resort! The trip was jam packed with fun activities, personal development, superb restaurants and lots of laughs. I must say my two favourite highlights from the trip was dancing with the girls from the Bali Life Foundation (they are amazing!) and taking part in Nia & Tegan’s (my team captain’s) Universal Confidence workshop.

It;s not long now until the finals, how are you feeling in the lead-up and what sort of preparation are you doing, before the finals get underway?

In preparation for the finals and the week leading into the finals, I am making sure I nurture my body so that I’m fit and healthy for that busy scheduled week… Lots of strength and conditioning, sleep, eating a balanced diet and keeping up to date on current affairs as well as fundraising as much as I can for ToyBox International.

With so many women all bring their individual flare to the competition, what do you think will set you apart from the other contestants?  Simon Everiss

Although I am young, I have experienced a lot through travelling and working abroad and have had academic success completing all of my studies. I feel I am in the absolute perfect position to be Miss Universe Australia being able to donate 100% of my time to the program and to fulfilling any duties required of me. Plus I enjoy being on stage and look forward to showing the judges that!

Speaking of unique flare or style what would you say is your best style or beauty secret?

I think my best beauty hack comes from the inside… a balanced diet, lots of water and plenty of sleep is the best beauty secret I can give. The next would be coconut oil as a moisturiser.

What inspired you to enter in the Miss Universe Australia pageant?

My experience from last year! Moving interstate was a little overwhelming for me last year; I found new friends and a sense of belonging to a like-minded community in the Miss Universe Australia program so with that and my love for the Miss Universe pageant I entered again.

Speaking of inspiration who or what inspires you most?

Elon Musk inspires me… I completed my Double Masters in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Master’s in Business Administrations so I really admire and respect how innovative and forward thinking he is. Even more so I love his vision for making the world more sustainable and efficient. Some of his visions are revolutionary and truly inspiring.

What is something people might find interesting about yourself?

I was a ‘Dealette’ on Deal or No Deal. I carried case 11 or ‘legs eleven’ as some people would call it. 😉

What does the average day look like for you?

I am in a very lucky position. Enjoying all that Sydney has to offer… including the beautiful weather and it being Australia’s fashion hub. I work as a model full-time in Sydney, so every day varies depending on what job I have on as I often work interstate. But generally, I wake at 6 am to do the Bondi to Bronte Coastal Walk as I like to get my exercise in in the morning and love that walk (who doesn’t!), followed by coffee and a healthy breakfast (normally oats), I’ll then skim read the paper, then off to work, lunch, work, then I try to catch up with friends/family via the phone or if I can catch up in person whilst being active I always push for that…i.e. Pilates with a friend, then healthy dinner (rice, veg and salmon), A long bath filled with Epsom salts and often a Soy Hot Chocolate J, then some trashy TV/couch time and into bed as early as I can.

Where is your favourite place in the world to wind down and relax?

BALI ~ I have grown up with Bali as my ‘second home’. I have been there over 30 times (always the same hotel), and I feel very comfortable being there as I’ve grown up knowing all the staff members. I go as often as I can for short durations (5-7 days). My parents also love it just as much as I do so the three of us will go together and it’s the most beautiful and truly relaxing place I know.

What is something you find yourself saying all the time?

How lucky I am!! I really can’t believe how lucky I am to have the life I do. I try to live each day with a ‘full heart’ which means practising gratitude and being kind to others. And I must say my heart feels very full!

If you could give yourself one piece of advice five years ago what would it be?

I’m not sure whether I would classify this as ‘advice’ but more so reassurance… ‘to sit back and enjoy the ride’.

And finally what are the five things you couldn’t live without?

My pashmina! I have always ‘felt the cold’… So, I ‘ll take my electric blue pashmina everywhere! A hot-water bottle, earring’s that hold sentimental value from my parents, my first and only piece of artwork I’ve bought (again holds sentimental value and was named after me ‘Georgie’s morning’) and my passport!

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Picture of Owen George
Owen George

Editor & Chief of Gold Coast Magazine is a lover of great coffee and sharing the stories of the people, places, and events that make the Gold Coast such a great city