Miss Universe Australia 2017 Finalist - Tarrah Burns

The search to find the next Miss Universe Australia is underway, with National finalists preparing to touch down in Melbourne later this month ahead of the national finals held at the Sofitel on Collins June 29.
Miss Universe Australia 2017 Finalist - Tarrah Burns
Miss Universe Australia 2017 Finalist - Tarrah Burns

The search to find the next Miss Universe Australia is underway, with National finalists preparing to touch down in Melbourne later this month ahead of the national finals held at the Sofitel on Collins June 29.

We are chatting with Tarrah Burns, from Victoria who will be competing for the 2017 title of Miss Universe Australia,

Following in the footsteps of Jennifer Hawkins, Rachael Finch, Tegan Martin & Jesinta Campbell.

First of all the introduction, Why don’t you tell us about yourself?

Ambitious. Creative. Energetic.
Ballet – a love formed from age twelve. So raw, so rich. The artistic creativity, the music, the human form of creating an impossible from the unnatural. Receiving intensive training at the Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School, I was the only Victorian girl accepted to train at the prestigious New Zealand School of Dance. Upon graduation, I commenced my professional ballet career at the Royal New Zealand Ballet before broadening my horizons in the United States. Having returned to Australia, I was unsure of my fate. My normality of life once lived was no longer an option as I inevitably searched for another talent. With such a specific skill I naturally fell into teaching ballet and went onto study my Bachelor of Education. Always looking for more, I became frustrated with the limitations of the education system. Continuing my studies with a Bachelor of Communications majoring in Media and Marketing, I aim to delve deep into the creative industry with goals to reach heights not yet discovered. A new journey, a new pathway, a new memory.


Tarrah Congratulations on making it so far in the such a coveted competition, we have to ask how the overall experience has been so far?

It does not take long to grow as a person, to change a habit, to discover a quality. The Miss Universe Australia competition is the epitome of this change. Confidence, poise, strength – we discover who we are and who we want to be. The rawness of this competition breaks down our personalities as humility hides behind our new self-assurance.


We have just heard you returned from the Intercontinental Resort in Bali as part of the program, How was the experience and what would you say was your highlight?

What a whirlwind of an adventure. The moment we arrived at the airport, people wanting our photos, knowing our story, our purpose – it was smiles all round. Adjusting to this admiration was not difficult when the Balinese are so welcoming, and everyone around you is wanting you to succeed. From start to finish the experiences and memories we created were priceless and so much was gained each day. A highlight for me during the trip was definitely learning to surf! Destined for the ocean, I can’t help but smile when in water. The two Balinese instructors were both such characters, giggling at our mistakes but so specific with their instruction – we were all catching waves like pros after 5 minutes! Stephanie Gilmore watch out!


It’s not long now until the finals, how are you feeling in the lead-up and what sort of preparation are you doing, before the finals get underway?

It is only natural for that rush of adrenaline to radiate throughout your body, whether that’s nerves or excitement, or a combination of both – it’s a feeling. Concentration is key, and for me, that’s getting into the right mindset. I continue to surround myself with enjoyable experiences that will assist me to grow and learn as a person. The Miss Universe competition has introduced me to an incredible lifestyle change. Hurtlocker has been my go to for the past 14 weeks. 6 am starts, six days a week – no better way than to hit the ground running!


With so many women all bring their individual flare to the competition, what do you think will set you apart from the other contestants?

To me, it’s not about what you have that sets you apart, but about what you do with it. We each have a story to tell, but I love to create emotion through words and meaning, connecting the two simultaneously. From a young age, discipline and persistence were instilled within me to achieve my goals no matter how unrealistic. Charming, independent, energetic and compassionate – a dreamer. Travelling the world through career and passion lead me to discover multiculturalism at its true heights, a world undiscovered a place so raw; safe, we call home. I have sense of maturity so prominent above all else holding elegance and pride, gaining an unbreakable strength only learnt through years of continual learning, of experiences

Speaking of unique flare or style what would you say is your best style or beauty secret?

With an ever evolving sense of style, I love to push the limits of fashion and explore originality. Rarely seen without heels, even in runners I’m on my toes… or uncomfortable. My go-to is a statement earring – such a simple way to dress up any outfit!


What inspired you to enter in the Miss Universe Australia pageant?

Live in every moment and soak up every opportunity. Something is always there to be learnt, and therefore there to be gained. Participating in the Miss Universe competition in 2015 brought personal discoveries providing me with unique qualities and strengths. With the world at my fingertips, a new desire to expand this wisdom throughout this competition arises to share this knowledge and reach new heights.


Speaking of inspiration who or what inspires you most?

Each day brings new inspiration. The words we read and hear, the people we watch and meet, the emotions we feel and react too – something is always there to be gained. Sometimes noticing the smaller inspirations in life can provide greater value.


What is something people might find interesting about yourself?

I manage my own successful blog. I love to explore the meaning behind words and pushing their limits to create new sense. Being quite visual, I love to expand these words further through videography. A photo can be limited to description, whereas a video can revive a moment in time.


What does the average day look like for you?

While my fundamentals stay the same, each day is different. Weekdays consist of 6 am starts at Hurtlocker followed by work as a Visual Merchandiser and finishing with a delicious home cooked meal. Weekends I release my inner free spirit and always opt for adventures – road trips, hikes, surfing, wineries and new restaurants.


Where is your favourite place in the world to wind down and relax?

110% the beach. The moment my toes touch the sand it’s as though someone flicks a switch as body shivers to adjust to its new surroundings. The coarseness of the sand, the salt through the wind whipping my skin, the sound of the water turning over like a dance – bliss. It doesn’t matter where in the world, it doesn’t matter what time of year, the beach will always be my place of euphoria.


What is something you find yourself saying all the time?

Surround yourself with like-minded people who will encourage and support you to achieve your goals.


If you could give yourself one piece of advice five years ago what would it be?

Think in years, work in months and live in days. You never get those moments back. Use them to your advantage.


And finally what are the five things you couldn’t live without?

Soy Piccolo.
Olympus OM-D E-M10.
Apple Pay.
Alexander Jordan.

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Picture of Owen George
Owen George

Editor & Chief of Gold Coast Magazine is a lover of great coffee and sharing the stories of the people, places, and events that make the Gold Coast such a great city