Well, Autumn is in full swing, and It’s also that time of year when the search to find Miss Universe Australia is well underway with state finalists being announced across the country.
So we thought it would be a perfect time to kick off some home state interviews with Natalia Ferrari. Congratulations on making it through to the state finals, why don’t you tell us about yourself?
I am a 19-year-old Brisbane girl who was born in Australia but raised by a traditional South American family. This meant that I was given the opportunity to make Spanish my first language, something that to this day I still make an effort to practice and improve.
In my junior years, I was a national competitor in open water swimming from 5 up to 10km, and this is where I originally developed my love for fitness which has stuck with me to this day. I later went on to complete my certificate 3 in fitness which furthered my love for living a healthy lifestyle. In the future, I hope to also complete my certificate 4 in fitness to become a personal trainer and enable myself to help share my knowledge and enthusiasm with others wishing to improve their health and lifestyle.
Currently, I work full time at a sporting goods store on the north side of Brisbane called Sportsco in which I am completely in my element as I get to engage with people in the sporting world every day!
In my down time, I make travelling and documenting it photographically a top priority as these experiences are important to me and not something I want to forget anytime soon.
We all have motivations, Mine usually revolves around coffee but what was your key motivation for entering the MUA competition?
My main motivation to enter MUA was to push myself to engage with the people around me in the pageant environment as well as the immediate community. It is a passion of mine to motivate people to better themselves, and I saw Miss Universe as an opportunity to empower other women to acknowledge their self-worth and strive to be the best they can be. I feel like seeing the change in other people’s mindset will help drive me to further improve my confidence and self-love as a woman.
What part of the Miss Universe Australia program are you most looking forward to?
Apart from the journey through the Miss Universe Australia program as a whole, I am most looking forward to meeting new people whose wisdom and experiences I can share, and I can do the same in return.
I view the Miss Universe pageant as an opportunity for self-discovery, and as I said earlier, I hope that by helping others I will learn more about my place in the world and how I can use my skills and knowledge to improve the lives of the people around me.
We are all unique so what would you say is something that makes you stand out from the other contestants?
There are many different both physical and mental characteristics which make people stand out and emphasise their individuality, and I feel the way I react to different situations is what makes me stand out as both a person and a contestant. It is in my personality to naturally be both a positive and bubbly person. This part of me is something I’m quite proud of and doesn’t just get expressed when I’m in happy and laid back situations. I believe that I maintain my positive outlook even in stressful and trying times and this is normally recognised by many people.
Additionally, I’ve also proven myself to be quite an intrinsically motivated person, and I am frequently questioned by both friends and people from my social media following how I stay motivated and so driven towards my goals.
With the state finals, less than a fortnight away, has your routine changed at all?
In ways, I’ve become more open-minded with everything, I’ve set more targets, I’m training harder in the gym, exploring further. Not necessarily because state finals are so close, but it’s also just my personally to regularly want to hit higher goals.
What is something that you hope to bring out of the Miss Universe Australia pageant?
As I said earlier, one of the most important things I’d like to take away from the Miss Universe Australia pageant is a newfound sense of what I’m capable of. I want to show myself that I’m capable of doing anything I set my mind to.
We will wrap up with a few irrelevant and random questions, now that my coffee has worn off.
Name five things you can’t live without?
There are many things I would never want to live without. However, there are only a few that I wouldn’t be the same without and I think I need in my life. The first would be my family because I know that if I truly need them, they will always have my back. My Mum is like a best friend to me and is one of the first people I turn to for advice or guidance when I need it because I know she will always be completely honest with me.
The other things I couldn’t live without are the things that I know would leave my life completely different if they weren’t a part of my life. The gym and the food I consume make up a large part of my life as these two things are items that I dedicate a lot of my time to and normally work my schedule around. I work very hard to maintain my fitness, and I find it very enjoyable to put effort into my workout routine.
As I said before, travel is an important part of my life, and I am happiest at the beach, so as you can imagine if you pair that with my love of photographing the events in my life, it makes for quite a beautiful picture- literally!
How long does it take you to scroll through Facebook before giving up?
When I get the chance to scroll through Facebook, I don’t look for anything in particular, so I guess you could say I don’t ever give up. Instagram is more my thing!
How would your closest friend describe you?
My closest friend would say that I am an intense person. They would say that everything I do is done with an essence of meraki, meaning that I put a part of myself into whatever I’m focusing on. Nothing I do in life is done without a strong desire to do it, and this is reflected in the way I go about my fit lifestyle as well as forging strong relationships with the important people in my life.
When You Dance, You look like?
I would be the first to admit that I look more like a baby giraffe who’s just learning to walk with the way my elongated legs seem to get caught up in each other every time I’m trying to pretend that I have even the slightest dancing bone in my body.
Finally, and this one is important, so please pay attention… What do you think pets dream about?
I feel like my cat Fergus is quiet a dreamer. Fergus has had many adventures in his life before he found our family. Fergus lived with three other families who were all unable to give him the love and affection he needs. When Fergus decided to randomly walk into our house and make my bed his sleeping destination he made the decision to adopt us into his family. I can only imagine he is now living the life he had only before dreamed about.
So not long now until this highly anticipated event that will see 28 of QLD’s most beautiful women compete to secure a spot as a QLD National Finalist, and go on to compete in and represent QLD in the Miss Universe Australia National Final. Get Your Ticket Here