Today we are catching up with Sally Kurzke of Victoria, one of the 27 talented and inspiring women from all walks of life who are hoping to be crowned Miss Universe Australia 2022.
So Sally, why don’t you tell us a little about yourself?
My name is Sally; I’m from Rural Victoria, and I currently work in the corporate finance sector, and I am a cat mum to my 2-year-old rescue named Tokyo.
We all have motivations, mine usually around good coffee, but what was your key motivation for entering Miss Universe Australia?
I competed in Miss Universe in 2017 and reflecting back I certainly was not the woman I am today, I have gone through some significant life events that have helped me grow immensely and so this year I entered Miss Universe Australia as I believe the platform will help create more of an impact in the communities I currently am involved with.
As part of the program, you recently spent time in our hometown of the Gold Coast with the Village Roadshow team; what was the experience like?
I am in love with the Gold Coast! I do tend to visit there 1 – 2 times a year ( pre covid), so it was incredible to be back. It was the trip of a lifetime; Soph, Troy, and the Pink Tank team spoiled us so much and getting to spend time with all the girls pre-finals was such a special treat; I have made friendships that will last a lifetime.
What would you say was the highlight of your trip?
A highlight for me was definitely learning about the conservation and rescue work that the Sea World Foundation does, it’s something that I found so interesting and to see the impact they are making on our animals in need is great.
With everyone bringing their own unique and individual flair to the program, what is something that sets you apart from the other contestants?
Something that sets me apart is my strength. Now I do not mean in a general sense, as I know all 28 of these women are incredibly strong, but more specifically, I am referencing an internal strength I did not know I had until I was diagnosed with type 1 bipolar in 2020 and it was one of the hardest things to experience….. in simple terms it terrified me, and I thought my life would never be okay again.
After a few months of talking to doctors / getting some management plans in place. I took that fear and decided to share my experience publicly to help others suffering feel less alone and, reduce the stigma, promote awareness of the illness and the impact of what correct management can do. We all have our Flight / Fight moments, and I can assure you that I will always make sure I fight.
Your next question comes from our current Miss Universe Australia, Daria Varlamova; in your opinion, what are the most essential qualities that a Miss Universe Australia embodies?
Ambitious – Confident – I think the most important qualities for Miss Universe Australia are ones that are already demonstrated by our national finalists of 2022. I will try to keep this short and pick my top 3.
First off, I think ambition is really important. When they step into this role, they will have the ability to impact so many communities and be part of some really special charities; it’s important to have the passion and drive to make sure the most is given and taken out of every opportunity that comes their way.
Confidence is equally important; being able to present your opinions, beliefs and yourself, in general, is such a big part of the platform and having the trust in yourself to portray the 100% raw and real version of yourself will make the year of being Miss Universe Australia so enjoyable.
The final one I will mention is empowerment, Miss Universe Australia is a leadership role, and it’s so important to utilise that and empower as many people as possible during their reign. I think those are the most important qualities required to be Miss Universe Australia.
Now travel is back on the cards; where is your favourite place to travel to?
NEW ZEALAND!!! My family is from New Zealand, and most importantly my sister, I have managed to sneak over twice this year already and am going over again for New Year at this stage; it’s such a beautiful country, so I love getting to explore it every time I go visit.
What is something people may find interesting about you?
Something not many people know about me is when I was a kid, I competed in professional line dancing for 2 years!
Tell us something you’re passionate about and why?
A new passion of mine that has actually stemmed from the Miss Universe Australia program is working with children impacted by cancer, we were fortunate enough this year to team up with Camp Quality through ToyBox Australia and chaperone a camp for a day, and it really resonated with me. I lost my dad to cancer, and I remember being 14 when he was diagnosed and if I had this sort of support in my life, it would have been a lot easier for me as a teenager, so I took it a step further and signed up a Camp Quality Volunteer.
I find it so rewarding that I now get to help kids in the position I was in, and in any other position, they may find some happiness and laughter; it’s a pretty special feeling.