Relationship Reflections with Bella

Stop for a minute and have a think about the last relationship convo you had with your bestie:
‘He dogged me for the footy last night – WHAT a DOUCHE BAG!’
‘I caught him checking out another girls Instagram – WHAT a DOUCHE BAG!’
‘He had a boy’s night last night and he’s spending all day Sunday with them as well – WHAT a DOUCHE BAG!’

Your bestie may have the answer: ‘Delete his number, block him on Facey and untag him from all your Insta pics.’ Whoa. Everybody. Just. Calm. Down.

Before you do that. Read this: We need to figure out how to get from those moments to not getting to psycho-bitch. Because after all who runs the world? GIRLS. It ain’t rocket science.

But what do we do to get through those moments where you want to just roll up in the foetal position? Or (at least) until we hear from ‘Him’ again.

We could keep talking it out and let our besties ears bleed or we could do something about it. Talk about it with him maybe? There’s an idea.
We could just let it get bigger and bigger in our heads til we can’t take it anymore and end up spitting our dinner out at him in a blubbering mess to which he replies, ‘Um why are you being a crazy bitch psychopath?’

There are other ways to tackle problems that seem never ending sometimes. Like breathe in some super-woman-power and stand up for yourself girl!

Confront your man if you don’t like how he’s treating you and if he doesn’t want to change then maybe it’s time to think about moving onto the next Bachie?

Sometimes we know deep down the best thing is to in fact walk away from these Bachies but it can be hard.

I have found in my experience with relationships that once you lay that foundation of trust, i.e give yourself to a man (sex). The hardest thing to do is to walk away from something that you know is not right for you.

Sometimes though, it’s the best thing to do.

Try it, it may make you feel like the most amazing chick in the world. Probs because you are. Oh and you’ll have the upper hand. But maybe don’t mention that or this post. Just mention Sex & the City and how you’d rather sip cosmos at Moo Moo’s in Broady with your bestie Bella, than hangout with him.

Your bestie,
Bella xo