Spectacular living art installation lights up entrance to Gold Coast icon

Stowe Australia was given the enormous task of bringing the vision to life and in conjunction with Xenian (supplier of leading edge lighting technology), dedicated a mammoth 2600 man-hours to the unique installation which required an incredible 10 kilometres of electrical cabling to complete. The environmentally sustainable project will also make use of a new streamlined control system to assist in lowering power consumption and significantly reduce operating costs and carbon emissions. The average lifespan of each light is expected to last decades, while every measure possible was taken to ensure the installation had no impact on the wellbeing of the trees. The porte-cochère lighting project marks yet another milestone in Jupiters’ landmark transformation which is on track to be completed prior to the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games. The property’s almost 600 existing hotel rooms are scheduled for completion by the end of 2016, while construction of the new six-star all-suite hotel tower continues at the front of the property.

The Facts
  • The permanent living art installation is the first of its kind
  • 17 palm trees fitted with more than 10,500 individual CK-LMX RGB pixel nodes
  • 20 metre-wide by 10 metre-high 3D digital screen
  • Took 2600 man-hours to complete the installation alone
  • Required approximately 10 kilometres of electrical cabling
  • Each node is expected to last 100,000 hours, with a lifespan of up to 30 years.
For more information on Jupiters’ transformation, visit www.jupiterstransformation.com.au]]>

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