So You Think You Can Dance Australia. Elimination #4

Hunger Games-inspired routine. They were praised by the judges for “finally showing up as a team”, however, the performance wasn’t “as clean” as they were expecting. Chris had to channel his bad boy alter ego for his jazz routine with partner Maddie Peat. Last week the judges criticised their lack of connection. This week they stepped it up and were told by Jason Gilkison that it was the “best performance in the competition for both of you”. A teary Chris said: “Every second has been phenomenal. All I wanted to do in the competition was to grow as a dancer and I feel like I’ve accomplished that. I’m excited to go back to class and teaching. Thank you for everything.” Yukino said: “Thank you to the show for allowing me to be creative – I’ve realised that’s why I was here. I’m so grateful that I got to show that, because how many opportunities in my life will I have to showcase myself to Australia?” In a dramatic end to the night, Jason told the now Top 12 dancers that they will swap partners for next week’s performance show – it’s boys paired with boys, and girls paired with girls. Adding to the special battle of the sexes showcase, British singer-songwriter Gabrielle Aplin will take to the stage to perform her breathtaking chart-topper The Power Of Love. Catch Gabrielle’s performance and the new pairings below on So You Think You Can Dance Australia as they fight to make it through to the coveted Top 10, next Thursday, at 7.30pm: GIRLS:                                                                          BOYS: Renelle Jones and Eden Petrovski                              Blond and Michael Dameski Lauren Seymour and Zoey Black                                Stephen Perez and Sam Malseed Maddie Peat and Ashleigh Tavares                            Jay Johns and Patric Kuo   So You Think You Can Dance Australia. Thursdays, 7.30pm on TEN.   Join the conversation:]]>

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